Updated Master Password isn't accepted on Windows


I updated my master password on the website. After the change, I am able to login to 1Password on my Mac and Android clients, but the Windows client still only accepts the old master password. I've tried signing out and uninstalling the Windows app, but it still only accepts the old password. How can I force the Windows client to update the master password?

1Password Version: 1Password 6.1.308d
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: 1Password account
Referrer: forum-search:update master password


  • Denzil
    Community Member
    edited December 2016

    I'm afraid you just gotta update the password in the windows app aswell.. having "all the passwords" the same is currently the only way :-1:
    Ofc someone correct me if I'm wrong

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Denzil: Correct. Thank you!

    @bsquadleader: I'm sorry for the confusion! Indeed, as Denzil mentioned, the new 1Password 6 Windows desktop app does not yet support Master Password "syncing", so you'll need it to change it there to match the others. We'll be adding support for this in a future update though.

  • 1passlarry
    Community Member

    @brenty hi I'm new to 1password and currently loving it. I just recently discovered this sync issue after finally putting it on my Windows machine.

    However, I did it backwards from what the thread starter is saying.

    I changed the master password inside the windows app thinking it would update everywhere. Now, Windows takes the new password and everything else is the old. Is there any harm in this? If I update my master password at 1password.com to what I just set Windows, is there any harm in them being the same?

    So basically Windows only checks the online master password upon initial installation then stores it locally? It wouldn't check again until I reinstalled it?

    Thanks for any information!

  • MikeT
    edited December 2016

    Hi @1passlarry,

    So basically Windows only checks the online master password upon initial installation then stores it locally? It wouldn't check again until I reinstalled it?

    1Password doesn't know anyone's passwords, it is not stored anywhere. What happens at the initial sign in is that 1Password downloads the encrypted key from our server, stores it and then ask for the password from you to decrypt this key, which would then let 1Password decrypt your data to store into the local database. In other words, your master password is never stored at rest (locally), in transmit or even transmitted and it also means we can't see your data, it is always encrypted everywhere and only decrypted locally with your master password. 1Password 6 creates its own local key based on the first password you gave it (In this case your 1Password.com account) and then use this key to encrypt the local database, re-encrypt the key for your 1Password.com account, so that it could sync your data in both directions.

    So, what you did now was update the key for the app but right now, doing that doesn't change the key for your 1Password.com account, that'll happen in a future update. When you change the password on 1Password.com, the key is updated for it but the local app key remains the same, so you have to sign in again with the right password to get the updated key and 1Password 6 will re-encrypt the updated key with your current app key.

    Here's how to proceed:

    1. Change your 1Password.com's account password on the 1Password web app. Be sure to save the password on the emergency kit if you're using it.
    2. Unlock 1Password 6, you should get a red banner on the bottom left saying there's an authentication error, since its copy of the 1Password.com account key can't authenticate you anymore. Click on that red banner and the sign-in view will show up, enter the new password and after that, you should be all set to go as 1Password will download and re-encrypt the updated key.

    I hope this helps.

  • 1passlarry
    Community Member

    @MikeT your reply was hugely helpful! Thank you for the explanation, steps, and most of all the fast response.

    I followed your instructions, and everything is working as expected. Thanks again!

  • You're absolutely welcome. If there's anything else we can help you with, let us know.

  • rharrap
    Community Member

    I'm having same problem. I have changed my master password via the web app (although I changed it to the same master password) but then when I went back into the app it still used my old password and DID NOT show a red banner. Please assist as presently the app is stuck using the old master password on my windows PC.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @rharrap: Thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry for the trouble! Unfortunately without some basic information it's hard to say what might be going wrong and how we might right it! Please tell me the OS, 1Password, and device versions you're using so we can figure out the best plan of action:

    Find your version

    The more information you can give, the better. For instance, do you have only vaults belonging to a single 1Password account in the app, or others as well? Thanks in advance! :)

  • rharrap
    Community Member

    Hi brenty, I'm using windows 10 and the 1Password 6 desktop app. In the app I have 2 vaults- one which is called "Personal" and contains all my data and another called "Shared" which is empty. I have a full 1password account so it syncs across my other devices such as iPads, iPhones and iMac. Thanks in advance

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @rharrap: Great! Thanks for letting me know. Since it looks like you also emailed us separately, I'll reply there shortly to get some additional details (like the versions you're using) and help you get things sorted out.

    ref: JHU-84538-144

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