Is there a browser integration for the latest microsoft browser under win10?


I have looked thoroughly and unless I am missing something there is no browser extension for windows? I have installed the local 1password client but this will not automatically log me into websites in my database correct?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @peter_password,

    Thank you for reaching out and using 1Password! :+1:

    We are working closely with Microsoft to bring 1Password extension for Microsoft Edge, but it is not available yet. There is a lot of under the hood changes required, so we are hard at work to make it happen. In the meantime, I can suggest you to use the following workaround for Microsoft Edge:

    1) Open 1Password mini by pressing Ctrl+Alt+\ on your keyboard.
    2) Find the item you need there and right-click on it.
    3) Choose what you want to copy to clipboard (username or password)
    4) Paste it in Edge.

    Please let me know if it works for you. Thanks in advance!


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