Favorites Alpha Sort Takes Up Ton of White Space in UI


After the recent update, I noticed when I got to view my favorites, the default sort is alphabetical. This is fine; however, letters and white space blocks are added to the list, making my favorites spread out and need a scrollbar (almost eliminating the benefit of putting your favorite log-ins in one quick space).

If you look at the attached image, you will see a compare I do between the alphabetic sort and the sort by categories (which doesn't have the same overhead with the letters that the alpha sort does).

I would use category sort as a work-around, but there's no way to make this the default setting. Every time I go back to my favorites, they're in one, unnecessarily huge, list.

Can we please get a tweak to the UI so the default sort option doesn't take up so much space for Favorites?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Keifer: It's really displaying exactly the same, but when you're sorting by alpha there will be generally be more frequent headers than if an entire category is grouped together (since there are relatively few of those). However, you're right that this isn't a great use of space. It's something we'll see if we can improve in future versions, maybe with some kind of offset. We could do some custom UI stuff to make this more compact, but that's something we're trying to avoid as it can have an impact on performance and compatibility with different display setups. But it's something we'll continue to work to streamline. Thanks so much for the great feedback on this! :)

    ref: OPW6-1264

  • pbryanw
    Community Member
    edited July 2017

    Hi, since 6.6, sorting has always remembered its last setting for me, so I don't know why it's not working this way for keifer (as I also don't like the title sorting in favourites)? I wonder if they're going to a different category, or tag, and setting the sort to Title there, and then this is being accepted as the universal setting (as I think 1Password takes your last sorting category as a program-wide setting). As long as they keep the sort to category and don't change it, it should remember its setting in favourites.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @pbryanw: Yeah, the sorting works, but the formatting is a bit bulky (for lack of a better word). At least that's what I think Keifer is referring to. Definitely room for improvement there. :)

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