1Password6 and FF Add-on


Not an issue just wondering why the reason for this behaviour:
The 1PW6 app shows my 1PW4 imported logins correctly categorised under the 'Categories / Logins' tab. However, the FF add-on displays nothing in the 'Logins (Alt +3)' category until I navigate to a site which matches one of my saved logins. Shouldn't the add-on, when the browser is not at a corresponding site, default to displaying all available logins so that one can be chosen - and navigated to - from the list ?

1Password Version: 6.7.457
Extension Version: 4.6.9
OS Version: Win 8.1
Sync Type: Families


  • MikeT

    Hi @seedy,

    Thanks for writing in.

    Are you pressing Control + Alt + \, it should be defaulting to the all Logins list for you.

    If you press Control + \, this will attempt to match to the active tab you're on, even if it is empty. The first shortcut with Alt is the shortcut to use when you want to open a different site from the tab you're in.

  • seedy
    Community Member
    edited August 2017

    I wasn't actually using any keyboard shortcuts @MikeT , I was just referencing what the icon read. I use a mouse for the 1Password menu always, and this is when I noticed the above behaviour.

  • seedy
    Community Member

    Just checked. When on a default/new tab (in my case start.duckduckgo.com) Control + Alt + \ displays a blank list of logins. Is it because I use the above as opposed to a blank new tab ?

  • seedy
    Community Member

    Also (to save starting a new thread) I've noticed double-clicking a new login from the FF add-on doesn't always open a new tab, but opens the requested page in the existing focussed tab - which can be pretty inconvenient.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Just checked. When on a default/new tab (in my case start.duckduckgo.com) Control + Alt + \ displays a blank list of logins. Is it because I use the above as opposed to a blank new tab ?

    @seedy: When you open 1Password mini in the browser (keyboard or mouse, it doesn't matter), it will show you logins matching the current URL. So if you're not at a website, you won't be able to fill. You can, however, type in the search box to select a login to open.

    Also (to save starting a new thread) I've noticed double-clicking a new login from the FF add-on doesn't always open a new tab, but opens the requested page in the existing focussed tab - which can be pretty inconvenient.

    Correct. There isn't currently an option to select different behaviour. 1Password will simply open the URL in the browser, either in the current tab/window or by launching it if it isn't already running. We'll be adding options for this in a future version though. Cheers! :)

  • seedy
    Community Member

    As the title of this thread fits, I have another question / possible feature request.
    1PW4 used to lock on exiting FF. 1PW6 does not appear to. Should it, can it and if not, will this be added at a later date ?
    Thank you.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @seedy: Ah, good eye. I haven't seen anyone else bring this up! 1Password 6 does not lock when you quit the browser. This wasn't the default in 1Password 4, but we did have a setting there to enable that behaviour. We can definitely consider adding something like that in 1Password 6 in the future as well. Thanks for letting us know you're missing that! :)

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