Chrome 60 (Windows) password import


If I search correctly, there is NO easy way how to import password from Chrome (60, Windows) to 1Password.
Like none "load all my data to 1Password".

Event export from ChromePass ( ) which is pure readable CSV is not accepted at version 6 (it was possible at version 4 right?) - This is also not very usefull when you have 900+ passwords. 1-2 week? Well, no. Maybe 1-2 years. ( )

This is kinda.... very very very sad to head. Like that 1Password can import data from top browsers (IE, Chorme, Firefox, ..).
Basically any malware can do this within a second.

1Password Version: 6.7.457
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 7 PRO
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • fryrpc
    Community Member

    I think CSV import is available via 1password in the web browser but not in the Windows 1password app.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited September 2017


    You can probably use the csv converter from the converter suite. Use version 1.10 in Testing Bits, mentioned in the first post of the thread.

    I haven't look at the ChromePass export, since don't know the fields it exports, but if it is pure CSV, it should be fine. The converter will create a 1PIF for you, which you can import.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @l2019486: Good questions!

    If I search correctly, there is NO easy way how to import password from Chrome (60, Windows) to 1Password. Like none "load all my data to 1Password". Event export from ChromePass ( ) which is pure readable CSV is not accepted at version 6 (it was possible at version 4 right?)

    Correct. Chrome doesn't make this easy, and I've never heard of ChromePass. It isn't something we've tested with and support.

    Admittedly I did not have quite that many logins when I first started using 1Password, but I found it easiest to simply save credentials in 1Password as I used them. So the most important ones, which I used most frequently, got saved in 1Password first, adding the rest over time. There are

    This is kinda.... very very very sad to head. Like that 1Password can import data from top browsers (IE, Chorme, Firefox, ..). Basically any malware can do this within a second.

    Honestly it doesn't come up much, or we might have. Thanks for the feedback on this! The reality is that most people who use their browsers to save and fill passwords are using weak ones, or the same everywhere — in which case there isn't much need to export this data, as they're only having the browser do this for convenience. Not saying that's what you're doing, but it's what we typically hear. Hopefully we'll be able to do something in this area in the future, but even other password managers are often better at exporting, even though they'd obviously like you to keep your data there.

    I think CSV import is available via 1password in the web browser but not in the Windows 1password app.

    @fryrpc: While this is true, it's geared more toward known CSV formats from other apps. It's possible that it would work with exported data from Chrome, but as MrC mentioned the converter would be a much better option. 1PIF is 1Password's native interchange format, so that will give the best results, and will work with the app.

  • l2019486
    Community Member

    @fryrpc: thanks for

    I would be very pleased if this wasn't so technically challenging.
    You know we are company about 500+ employ and not all of them have technical knowledge or patience to do so. ChromePass of FirefoxPass, CSV export, convert via suite, import, .. .
    Even if we bought them 10years subscription + yubico, there is no simple way how to simple “switch” because of lack of simple-import feature.

    “are using weak ones, or the same everywhere — in which case there isn't much need to export this data“ .. actually you do. You don’t need login and password (truth, it’s always the same) but you need URL. You don’t know where you use those. And if you come to new page, you simply don’t know if to login or register (if register, you can find that your username is taken ..hmm .. maybe by you). There are tons of pages which require login to download a trial version of forums to post a single question (like this one). And even if your password leaked 10x at haveibeenpwned you don’t really care. At those kinds of suite you don’t probably come back (and even password like demo/demo) will do the job (you are not seeking for registration, but just to „registration like captcha“ that keeps bots out).

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni
    edited September 2017

    @l2019486: I wish we had a better workaround for you. :frown:

    There is, however, a way to export passwords directly out of Chrome. Could you please give it a try and let us know if it works?

    1) Type chrome://flags into your URL bar and search for “Password import and export.” on that page.
    2) Set that toggle to Enabled and relaunch the browser.
    3) Then, type chrome://settings/passwords into the URL bar (or go to Menu > Settings > Advanced Settings > Manage Passwords). There you will see a list of all the saved passwords in Chrome.
    4) Click the Export button.

    You should get a CSV file, which you can import to 1Password directly or convert to 1PIF using MrC's converter.

    I will be looking forward to your reply! Thanks!


  • christirichards
    Community Member

    Actually, for Chrome 59+, it doesn't respect the flag for "Password import and export". You can still import/and export up until Chrome 61 by going to chrome://settings-frame for the older-style dialog. It will be depreciated completely next version from what I've read.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @christirichards ,

    Are you sure Chrome 61 still allows this? It wasn't working for me, as I believe that's the version where it was removed:

    There's no Import/Export button anymore.

  • christirichards
    Community Member

    @MrC You're correct - 61 is where the settings-frame workaround will no longer work as it should be officially depreciated. I can confirm it does work for 60, though. I wanted to share as I was having the same issue and was able to use the older interface to access where the flags were actually still working for the import/export.

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    @christirichards: Thank you for chipping in! We really appreciate it. :+1:

    If there is anything we can help you with, do not hesitate to contact us. We are always here for you.

    Have a great Sunday!


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