URL without TLD [Will be supported in a future update]

Community Member
edited October 2017 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Hello :)

I was struggling since some time with a login in my 1Password.
I've installed it on my work computer, and couldn't make a simple login work on our internal wiki.

And it hit me : the problem was the URL. For convenience, our network team use some DNS to redirect some site with a user-friendly alias. For exemple : "wiki1", wich simply lead to "wiki1/index.php" when typed in my browser.

But 1Password seem to ignore that URL : every time I'm on the login page, the extension show nothing. I created the login from scratch, with the auto-save, with and without the protocol (http or https) : still nothing.

After a bit of research, I found the real URL wich is something like "wiki1.location.compagny.com". And that works, as long as I use this URL. So the presence of .com is pretty useful here.

Is there any way for 1Password to work with URL without TLD ?

(as usual, please forgive my poor english skills ;) )

1Password Version: 6.7.457
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: 1P families


  • bundtkate
    edited October 2017

    @Grishkaone: It depends what 1Password is able to read from the page, effectively. The short version of the behind-the-scenes here is that the extension reads the webpage to figure out what form fields need filling and what webpage you're on. It then sends that information to the main app and asks for proper information to fill those form fields on that page.

    What's likely getting in your way here is 1Password's phishing protection -- when you have the alias in the URL field in 1Password, it's reading that full URL from the site and thinking you're not on the site associated with that Login item and thus it's not finding any Login items for that page and refusing to fill there. Rightly so, of course, because malicious URLs disguised as real URLs to the degree that your browser displays something legit in the address line is quite common. 1Password is designed not to be fooled in these situations, so it's probably not going to work properly without TLD. No matter what we input into our address bars, 1Password is going to read the full URL to keep us safe, so while you can search for the proper Login item when it isn't offered and copy/paste your credentials, 1Password will never fill when the URLs don't match. If you copy/paste, you're accepting that risk, but we aren't going to accept it for you.

    I'm sorry 1Password has sent you on an adventure with this wiki page, but I hope understanding why this happens and what it seeks to accomplish helps you feel a bit better about it. I personally find this sort of protection worth the occasional fuss. :chuffed:

    Also, I'm sure you've been told this before, but your English is just fine. :+1: I'm American and I can promise I know natives whose English is much worse. :wink:

  • Grishkaone
    Community Member

    Hey @bundtkate !

    Thank you for all those cripsy details ! It all make sense, of course, and I rather prefer that 1Password has my back, than the opposite ! I'll manage to use the full URL when I can, and will enjoy the occasionnal adventure if I can't ;)

  • @Grishkaone: Don't forget about Open and Fill. If you double-click your Login item (with the full URL) in the main app or single-click it in mini, 1Password will open your default browser, go to that wiki page and fill your login for you. Even faster than your DNS shortcut, no? :wink:

  • Grishkaone
    Community Member

    @bundtkate Through navigation in our tools, I will usualy arrive on page that require login. Once done, I reach the next page that I was seeking. If I use the "open and fill" feature at this point, it will, at best open the login URL and log me in, but it will not take me to the next step. :|

    It's really not a big deal, now that I understand the mecanism that prevent 1Password to accept those URL, I can use my workaround. In the best of the world, I wish 1Password can approve the two URL, providing that I personnaly and manually added the second myself to list of this particular login.

    Anyway, as usual 1P is doing is job, and is doing it very well, there is nothing to complain about. :)

  • MikeT
    edited October 2017

    Hi @Grishkaone,

    We are planning to add support for hostnames (URL without TLD) but we don't have a timeframe on this. This is a limitation within 1Password for Windows at the moment, our URL parsing libraries don't know how to handle the lack of TLDs.

    You can manually edit your Login to add a second URL (or any number of URLs) to contain both hostnames and URLs but as 1Password on Windows cannot parse hostnames yet, it won't show up until we fix this.

    ref: OPW6-954

  • Grishkaone
    Community Member

    Thanks @MikeT, that's a good news :chuffed:

  • You're welcome!

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