Can apps specify which suggested logins appear?

Community Member

I have an app that I use 1Password to log-in to using the 1Password keyboard and manual filling. When I bring up the 1Password keyboard, hold down the 1P icon, the suggested login is for a website owned by the app, but not the correct website for logging into the app, so I end up searching for the right login.

Do developers have any control over which suggestions are auto-filled there? Like setting the correct domain for those login fields in their app? How are those fill-in suggestions determined by 1Password?

1Password Version: Android 6.6.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Android 6.0.1
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @sdtransier. Indeed there is something developers can do here. The way we match apps to Logins is by reversing the app URL. So for example, the official Twitter app's URL is We reverse this to, and then search your data for a Login with the domain. In this case, 1Password will be able to match and fill in Twitter.

    Some app developers don't name their apps this way, or outsource app development to third parties who then name the apps, in which case, 1Password isn't able to match. This is a work in progress on our end, and our devs are currently working on improvements to matching and filling.

    In addition to the app naming, we've also added support for Open YOLO, which is a framework Android developers can support in order to allow filling with 1Password. We should have some documentation available on that front very soon, so let me know if you're interested!

  • sdtransier
    Community Member
    edited October 2017

    @peri Thank you for the great information! I am definitely interested in the documentation about Open YOLO.

    Also, do you know if iOS matches logins in a similar way? The iOS version of the app finds the correct logins for this app even though the app URL is the same as the Android version.

  • No problem, @sdtransier! We've just published a blog post on Open YOLO.

    Integrate 1Password into your Android apps

    As to iOS, it works more like Open YOLO than automatic filling, in that it requires app developers support our API. That way, we don't have to to match URLs.

    Let us know if you have any questions about adding Open YOLO to your app!

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