New Subscription Customer: Cannot Edit or Create Entries


I just subscribed on Oct. 20, imported all my LastPass data (which worked great, thanks) but I cannot edit or create entries @

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10 / Chrome browser
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • @richippr: That's certainly strange. Are you able to add items in the app (+ New Item at the top of your item list)? Can you see the items you imported on

  • richippr
    Community Member

    I have no +New using the Windows installation nor the Web client, and as previously mentioned, I cannot edit existing entries. I've resorted to writing down new passwords since I've abandoned and cleared out my Lastpass account.

  • richippr
    Community Member

    I'm halfway there, as I can now add and edit via the Windows program. I uninstalled and reinstalled and now am good to go. I still have no edit-add through browser.

  • AlwaysSortaCurious

    @richippr btw, longterm former recent LastPass customer here as well.

    1) That secret key is uber important. Print it out and keep it somewhere. If you don't have it but can access the website or your app, you can get it there.
    2) Categories are rigid. And useful (if you want to store a software license use software license, you can't convert one to the other)
    3) There is a little bit of a learning curve as this product has a different "head" than lastpass but much more satisfied and relaxed about my data.

    Have you tried a different browser?

  • Hi guys,

    @richipper, I'm sorry about these issues you're seeing.

    I believe you may be affected by a bug that we've fixed already in 1Password 6.8 betas. What happened is that 1Password didn't update itself when the 1Password accounts are updated, such as the frozen status removed after paying, or changing the name. Usually, a complete restart of the program is all that is needed to fix it.

    However, 1Password mini that you see via 1Password extension in your web browsers is the same view of the main 1Password program, so they shouldn't be out of sync at all. Just to be clear, there is no edit support in 1Password mini (yet), you have to edit within the main 1Password window. To speed this up, right-click on the item to select Edit in 1Password.

    1Password does prompt to save when you register for a new account on the site or enter an account on a site that 1Password doesn't know about. You can also manually save a new Login item in 1Password mini via the Settings > Save new Login manually.

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