Sorting fileds and sections


Hello, you promised half year ago to add function sorting fileds and sections exatly like on Mac, but nothing changed. When?

1Password Version: 6.7.441
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Emulty: We definitely didn't promise anything like that a year ago, as 1Password 6 hadn't even been released then. And while I have no way of knowing a release date for something like that (and couldn't share it even if I did, as it would be subject to change), it's an area we'll be improving in the future. Right now we're focused on fleshing out features and UI, and making a lot of improvements under the hood to support browser integration going forward; but being able to easily reorganize things like custom fields is something we very much want ourselves as well. Thanks for bringing this up! :)

    ref: OPW6-1265

  • MikeT

    Hi @Emulty,

    Thanks for writing in.

    You can move the custom fields up and down already by clicking into the custom field and press Alt + Up or Down.

    We will add drag handlers to the custom fields in a future update. Sections is a different story as it is a bit difficult to move a lot of fields at the same time but we do want to support it.

  • philmcole
    Community Member

    @MikeT I hope your last paragraph still stands. I find myself often copy pasting & deleting whole sections because rearranging is still not possible. This is one of the last things that I really miss as a 1Password Power User.

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    @philmcole: It is still in our list to add to 1Password for Windows, but I do not have any timeframes for you at this point. There is still a lot of catching up to do and we are doing our best. I hope for your understanding. Thank you!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @philmcole: Just to clarify, Alt ↑ and Alt ↓ can be used to move fields within their sections. We do want to make it possible to do this using the mouse as well though. Cheers! :)

  • philmcole
    Community Member
    edited November 2017

    @Greg @brenty Thanks for replying. I didn't notice this thread was for the Windows version. I am hoping personally for the macOS version to get this feature. I know that you can rearrange fields in sections and even drag it into other sections but I don't see a way to rearrange whole sections.

  • @philmcole: This is about Windows, but we will still definitely pass your feedback along to the Mac team. On the off-chance is helps, I've wanted to do this once or twice and what I've done is drag fields between sections then renamed the sections appropriately. Once, I just wanted to move one section to the bottom, so I created a new section for it, dragged stuff, then deleted the old one. Not quite as easy as dragging the section itself, but quicker than copy/paste at least. :chuffed:

This discussion has been closed.