Handoff bugs in both directions

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Handoff macOS to iOS: When an item is open on macOS, and no item is open on iOS, Handoff on iOS opens the handed-off item. But when an item is open on macOS, and another item is open on iOS, Handoff on iOS does not switch to the handed-off item. It should switch to the handed-off item (IMHO).

Handoff iOS to macOS: When 1PW is open on macOS, and an item is open on iOS, Handoff on macOS opens the handed-off item. But when 1PW is closed on macOS, and an item is open on iOS, Handoff on macOS fizzles. It should open 1PW and open the handed-off item.

1Password Version: (macOS) 7.0.BETA-9 / (iOS) 7.0.6
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 10.13.4 / iOS 11.3
Sync Type: 1PW Account


  • Ben

    Hi @nils_enevoldsen

    Thanks for taking the time to report this. To be honest I haven’t played much / at all with Handoff because it rarely seems to work as described for me. I often don’t even get the appropriate icon(s) in the dock. That said I’d certainly be interested to know more about this so that I can file an appropriate report with our development team. Could you please let me know if you experience these same symptoms with 1Password 6? I.e. Is this a regression, or an issue that has been carried over from v6? Also what exactly do you mean by “fizzles?” What does that look like?

    Thank you.


  • nils_enevoldsen
    Community Member

    I didn't have an iPhone until a few days ago, so I never tried it with 1PW 6. Would it be helpful for me to install it and check?

    Fizzling: Handoff icon appears in dock. When I click that icon, it disappears from the dock.

  • Ben
    edited April 2018

    I didn't have an iPhone until a few days ago, so I never tried it with 1PW 6. Would it be helpful for me to install it and check?

    If you have an opportunity to that would be helpful. If not, not a huge deal. I can file the report with the information that I have.

    Fizzling: Handoff icon appears in dock. When I click that icon, it disappears from the dock.

    Thanks for the explanation. :)


    ref: apple-430

  • nils_enevoldsen
    Community Member

    I think I'll decline to test with 1PW 6 unless it's necessary to move the issue forward. But I have no reason to think this is a regression.

    Thanks so much!

  • Ben

    Thanks. :)


  • rudy


    Did the vault on the mac and the vault on the iOS device have different origins? in order for handoff to function both vaults need to have the same unique identifier and the same for the items in question.


  • nils_enevoldsen
    Community Member

    I have a single vault, and it is synced with my 1PW account.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @nils_enevoldsen: Thanks for confirming! Like Ben, I've had mixed success with Handoff in general, and in fact the first time I tried it in this case, the beta crashed. And while it is working for me in either direction and "disappears from the dock" as expected after clicking it, if the Mac beta is not unlocked at the time this is all that happens. Does it help if you unlock 1Password for Mac first?

  • nils_enevoldsen
    Community Member

    Hi @brenty!

    Handing off from iOS to macOS, when 1Password for Mac is closed and locked: failure.

    Handing off from iOS to macOS, when 1Password for Mac is closed and unlocked: failure.

    Handing off from iOS to macOS, when 1Password for Mac is open and locked: success (after unlocking).

    Handing off from iOS to macOS, when 1Password for Mac is open and unlocked: success.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @nils_enevoldsen: I think there maybe some improvement we can make in 1Password, but it sounds like where things are getting stuck for you are before 1Password is involved in most cases. Since we're not seeing quite the same thing here though, I wonder if restarting both devices might help. Continuity features (Handoff, Unlock with Apple Watch, etc.) frequently break for me until I restart. Give that a try and let me know if it makes a difference for you in this case.

  • nils_enevoldsen
    Community Member

    It does not make a difference, @brenty.

    I'm surprised that this works for you. Can you confirm the following: When 1Password is closed on your Mac, and an item is open on your iOS device, Handoff will open 1Password on your Mac and open that item (or do so after unlocking if 1Password was locked)?

    What do you mean by "before 1Password is involved"? Do you mean it is expected to fail when 1Password is closed? Handoff can work even when apps are closed.

    I have uploaded a screencast so we're on the same page. (I have checked that in the screencast I am not leaking any information that I care about leaking.)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2018

    @nils_enevoldsen: Thanks for confirming! I apologize. It shouldn't be this confusing. :blush:

    What I mean is that Handoff is a macOS/iOS feature. Most of this is handled by the OS, not individual apps. So when you're seeing the 1Password Handoff icon on the left side of the Dock (or at the bottom of the app switcher on iOS), that isn't actually 1Password. When you interact with that, it's up to the OS to open the app and pass along the information from the other device.

    Thank you very much for the screencast. I'm seeing similar results to you (with a few caveats, as there are many different possible cases, but this is a good summary).

    Handoff can work when apps are closed...but often doesn't. And 1Password is very different from most apps: everything in it is encrypted and completely inaccessible when it is either locked or not open at all. So when the Handoff information is sent to 1Password, even if everything is working correctly on the OS side, there are many different states that need to be accounted for.

    For now, you'll have the best results if the main 1Password window is open, or if 1Password isn't running when you trigger it (since this will automatically open the main window).

    We'll keep working at it to make it smoother on our end though, and perhaps Handoff will become more reliable in general as well. Thanks for your feedback on this! :)

    ref: apple-430

  • nils_enevoldsen
    Community Member

    @brenty: Gotcha. Thanks!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

This discussion has been closed.