Execute "go" on the browser?

1Password used to execute "go" on the browser once the password information was filled it. It seems this is no longer the case. Each time I have to hit the return or "Login" button myself to log into the site. I've looked to see where to turn this option on and can't find anything. Did I miss it or did something change with 1Password 7?

1Password Version: 7.2.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.14
Sync Type: Family account
Referrer: forum-search:autofill browser and then go


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @jlweaver22,

    Something has indeed changed in 1Password. Starting in Mojave Apple made a number of security improvements designed to lower the potential of harm from certain types of automation. The way that 1Password's submit after filling worked was the extension would leave focus on a password field and then 1Password would ask the operating system to react as if the user had pressed the enter key. Despite our benign use this feature could be misused against the user and so Apple took the hard choice to ensure their users couldn't be harmed. It's a shame 1Password was impacted but I throughly understand where Apple are coming from and why they needed to make the change. 1Password will still leave focus on the password field so as you've noted for most cases you should be able to tap the enter key to submit the form. I find that quicker than clicking on the login button but it's whatever works easiest for the individual. Hopefully over time you'll find like most of us that you don't really notice the loss too much, it's more notable at the start after being used to the convenience. I don't even give it much thought in my own 1Password usage now unless somebody is asking why it is missing.

  • jlweaver22
    Community Member

    Perfect explanation and makes good sense. It's not a major convenience to hit the return key. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something. Thank you very much!

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    I'm happy I could clarify. If you come across any other unexpected or unusual behaviour do let us know, it isn't always guaranteed the change was intentional :lol:

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