I can't seem to scroll in the Windows app. It keeps popping back to the beginning of the list.


I am on Windows 10. I can't seem to scroll down past 1 page of accounts. I can click on the arrow keys manually to go lower... using the mouse or the track pad flicks it back up to the top of the page. This is on the latest version (both full and beta) as of 10/22.


1Password Version: 7.2.581
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:scroll


  • @samgix6: Is this happening when you first unlock 1Password and does it happen to clear up after a time? What if you disable either the mouse or the trackpad? Still see the same issue? What about if you click an item in your list, then use the mouse or trackpad to scroll down – still a problem? On the surface it sounds like something is telling 1Password to keep scrolling back up, but there are a few things I could think of leading to this trouble and these tests will help me narrow things down. Thanks!

  • samgix6
    Community Member

    So it did fix itself. Here's what happened:

    I was on my corporate VPN with 1Password client opened. Disconnected from VPN but was still connected to the internet. Made changes to 1Password, and those changed showed up as offline changes. While these offline changes were pending, I had the weird scrolling issue. It seemed to be stuck while trying to sync changes, even if I was connected to the internet, albeit not on the same network as before. I ended up getting back on corp VPN and the offline changes synced. No more scrolling bug / stuck offline changes.

  • @samgix6, thanks for sharing! That actually lines up with one of my theories (1Password was trying to sync), but the details are really helpful. Would you be able to trigger this issue again, but this time, choose 1Password > Exit and start 1Password again after disconnecting from the VPN? Does that resolve the trouble as well? Thanks!

  • samgix6
    Community Member

    I'll try when I get back home. I do recall doing a full system reboot in between and that didn't seem to resolve it. I had to get back onto the VPN to get the changes to sync. Once synced, I was able to close the app, disconnect from the VPN, and re-open the app on my home internet with no further issues. Hope that helps.

  • @samgix6: Curious. A reboot would have forced a restart of 1Password, of course, and Windows should have shared a new network configuration at that time. Let me know if the app restart fixes it, but if it doesn't we might want to take a peek at some diagnostics and see if they give us any clues. 1Password may not be getting the right network info when you disable the VPN for some reason and diagnostics should give us a better idea of why.

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