UI feedback on 1Password 7.3 changes; more clicks to reveal/large type passwords



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member

    @brenty curious as to why all my feedback posts, in-fact all my posts (even unrelated), have been hidden from public view?

  • r1ma
    Community Member

    I agree with all comments from @derek328 @opusman @JMcClane72 @veriik @ericchase


    Someone on Twitter also said this that I agree with him totally:

    "Now I have click twice if I want to reveal password, not to mention that the login detail simply looks ugly now as everything is too much cornered. Most feature (to show what we are typing in when unlocking 1Password) still not present...
    And I really miss the option to unhide master password (I use quite complex one, tens of characters, hard to find mistakes there...)"

    I was talking with a friend of mine, about Chrome's new Material Design on PC. What he said to me, I like to post here as I see same changes in 1P for Windows:
    "The new design has landed in Chrome 69, can’t say I’m a fan, it looks a bit too flat and colorless. I know flat design is a thing, but I don’t like the trend of software resembling web pages too much. It’s too minimalistic for me.
    This is purely cosmetic, too. Round tabs, use of Windows’s transparency (“Acrylic”) effect for the background of the title/tab bar..."

    @brenty I didn't find @derek328 's post, attacking people. He really didn't mean that. It was not his intent I know for sure.
    And after all, I am sure you and your team all know the slogan that says "The customer is always right"

    In German they say "Der Kunde ist König" which translates to the customer is king.

    In other words, we are the product we use. Like saying that says "you are what you read", here we are product we use.
    Each and everyone of us are somehow is engaged in "Evangelism marketing" since we all love 1Password and talk about it with friends and family, and recommend to them.

  • opusman
    Community Member

    I've been waiting for someone to post in this thread saying how much they value consistency across platforms. Still waiting...

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Yeah, when you talk like that, why would anyone who might disagree with you feel welcome here in this discussion? I've heard from a number of people personally who are especially glad for the added consistency...but also have suggestions on how they'd like us to improve it even more. Generally we don't hear from people when they're happy -- because they're just off, like, doing stuff they want to be doing. Anyway, at this point, you've already told us what you think, so there really isn't any use going around in circles. We're gonna keep working on 1Password for everyone no matter what. Have a great weekend! :)

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