How should I organize passwords based on tags or a category making a new vault for each subject?


I know this is a personal preference but curious what other people do? Thanks.

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  • I organize with a combination of vaults and tags @ttim03 and actually organize my work items and personal items very differently.

    At work, I use vaults to sort by purpose, or at least that's the best way I can describe it. Basically, I have certain items I only need when I'm doing particular tasks, like testing filling, or taking screenshots for our documentation, or whatever. I have a vault specifically for each of these tasks. It's handy because that way I can exclude them from All Vaults. Most of the time, these items are fake, but they are for services I actually use, so if they're always visible in mini, it makes filling a pain. Having them in their own vaults means I can swap to that vault when I'm working on those projects, but otherwise they stay out of my way.

    I use tags at work to help me organize items by role. My primary role here is support, but I also help with some QA at times and help manage our social media. This helps in much the same way vaults do by allowing me to quickly find the items that relate to the task I'm working on, but since these are real Logins that I want access to at all times, I don't want to stick them in separate vaults. Plus, while most live in my Personal vault in our 1Password Business account, a few are shared with my teammates so I can't move them without cutting my team off from important accounts and ruining our team's overarching organizational system. For this reason, tags are a better fit for these items.

    In my Family account, vaults are all about access, so I put items in vaults based upon who they need to be shared with. My parents, my partner and I share a few accounts universally and those go into the default Shared vault. My partner and I also have a few accounts we only share with each other, like our online banking Logins, so I have a vault for the two of us. I also share some items just with my folks. These are mostly their accounts they want me to be able to access if something happens to them, so there's a vault for my parents and I. Finally, we have a guest account that we keep signed in on a semi-public computer in our living room. That computer is actually a cable box replacement, in effect. We use it to stream to our TV, so it has its own vault with our Logins for Netflix and the like. Some of these items are shared too, so that vault is shared with everyone on our account as well as the guest. We also keep things like the contact info for our vet in there so I can share that account's Master Password with our house sitter looking after our zoo whenever we're away. That way, they can watch TV and have access to things they might need to take care of all the furballs. I change this Master Password and regenerate the Secret Key for this account when we get back from vacation, plus I change the passwords for the items in that vault, just in case. Having them separate makes that super easy though.

    Since I have to use vaults for access control personally, I use exclusively tags to organize. I go with something pretty basic that can help me when I'm working on specific tasks. I have a Taxes tag, for example, that I'm going to have to spend some time with in a few short months (barf!) and a Finance tag for everything I need to pay bills each month. One I think is more personal to me is I have a Warranties tag that includes receipts, serial numbers, photos, and registration info for major purchases. I keep all receipts for big purchases and take a photo of each, then create a Secure Note for each with the serial number and any important info link a link to the warranty documentation and a link to request service. I nest a tag for each item below Warranties as well. This way, I can expand Warranties to see a list of all the major purchases I've saved in 1Password, then select the item that needs service to view all of the documentation I have about that item. For items I bought for work and can write off on my taxes, I also have an extra Write-offs tag I add to those items. I delete that tag when I do my taxes each year so I can start fresh after I've filed.

    When I first started using 1Password, I hardly organized anything. I only had an individual account as I hadn't got my family on board so everything was in my Personal vault with no tags whatsoever as I hadn't yet found a purpose for them. Over time, I found myself really wishing I could look at only this set of items or that one and that's when I started creating a system. I'm not the most organized by nature, so I still struggle a bit. I usually think about new tags or vaults I want while I'm working and say to myself, "Yea, that would be cool, but I'm busy ..." which means I don't always add things right away, but I've been making an effort to stop and create those new tags and vaults more recently. They really do save me time long-term and it's totally worth the effort, even if I am busy. Anyway, point being you don't need a complex system right away. Just make an effort to add a tag or vault when you think of something that would help you work more efficiently and over time you'll refine things and find a system that works well for you. :chuffed:

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