Autofill shortcut not working properly on pages with multiple logins.

Community Member

I have the option for Show inline menu in Safari enabled, but disabled the option to automatically show it when selecting a field. However, now when I use the command+\ shortcut, it automatically fills a single login onto the page instead of presenting me with the list of different logins to choose from. How do I get it to show me the list of different logins to select from?

1Password Version: 7.7
Extension Version: 7.7
OS Version: 10.15.7
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @tonytx05!

    Can you share a URL where this is happening, so we can test it?

  • tonytx05
    Community Member
  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    Thank you! I have just tested this, and when I typed the keyboard shortcut, 1Password brought up the list of logins for that website, it did not fill anything automatically for me.

    Do both of these login items have the exact same value in the website field?

  • tonytx05
    Community Member


    Good catch, I didn't realize the other logins were using just the site, not the full subdomain. Updating the other logins with the full entry in the website field fixed it.

    A question then, why is the behavior of the inline menu vs the popup different? Should 1Password have always been autofilling just single login that had the completely matching website?

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    Good catch, I didn't realize the other logins were using just the site, not the full subdomain. Updating the other logins with the full entry in the website field fixed it.

    That's great to hear, thank you for the update :)

    A question then, why is the behavior of the inline menu vs the popup different? Should 1Password have always been autofilling just single login that had the completely matching website?

    The inline menu is the new method of filling for the Safari extension, so it is possible that there are currently some differences between old and new behavior. The way I understand this is that the inline menu behaves much like clicking on the 1Password browser extension in the past (it will show every login for the specific domain), while the keyboard shortcut also shows you every available login, but also tries to fill the one that matches the current URL exactly (including subdomains, in this case).

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