Lock after extension inactivity rather than system idle

The 1Password browser app auto locks after x mins of SYSTEM inactivity
Is there a way, instead, to set an auto lockout time if the extension itself is not used

"Lock extension if no extension activity for 5 mins"
seperate or in addition to system inactivity

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hey @el613. There is not. Under what circumstances would you use this?

  • el613
    Community Member

    This is useful if I am on a shared computer at home and leave the browser extension unlocked accidentally. Although there may be ongoing system activity, if the extension is not used, it will automatically lock.

  • Thanks for the use case and idea. I'll pass it along. :smile: As of a few releases ago, we added a global lock shortcut, which I might suggest adding to your workflow so you can quickly lock 1Password before leaving the computer. That said, ultimately I would urge you to consider not leaving an unattended computer unlocked, and if other users coming across your secrets is of concern, then separate user accounts (on the same computer) would be a good idea.

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