Lack of customizable shortcuts

I can't believe there isn't more ruckus about this on the forums, but the lack of customizable keyboard shortcuts makes v8 a complete non-starter for me. Probably six years ago I picked Cmd+period to be my autofill shortcut, and Cmd+Shift+period to be my "show helper" shortcut. If 1P8 doesn't offer me the ability to customize those shortcuts (as literally every other password manager does, even the really shitty ones), there's absolutely no way I can use it. That muscle memory is so deeply ingrained; it would take a herculean (and completely pointless!) effort to overwrite.

1Password Version: 8 early access
Extension Version: N/A
OS Version: macOS 12.0 Beta (21A5294g)


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mpcsh!

    Thank you for the feedback! You are right, keyboard shortcut customization has not made it into this Early Access version yet, but I see an open issue internally for this, so this is certainly on our developers' radar. I think this should make it into the app by the time we release the first stable version in the future :+1:

    ref: dev/core/core#8930

  • Gilles9
    Community Member

    Hopefully Bring it back ( keyboard shortcut )

  • mshamash
    Community Member

    +1 for keyboard shortcut for autofill!! I really miss my shortcut (command and backslash) for autofill in the browser. Hope this makes its way into the final release, otherwise I see myself sticking with v7.x for a while longer.

  • I'm working on allowing users to customize their keyboard shortcuts today so hopefully you won't have to wait too long until you can set yours up just the way you like.

    I miss ⌘-\ too so I'm hoping that makes a glorious return. I'm not sure if browsers will allow our extension to capture that shortcut for the purposes of Auto Fill but I trust our Browser Experience team to figure out something great!

  • DenalB
    Community Member

    Please bring keyboard customization into the Windows EA, too. ;)

  • @DenalB One of the unsung benefits of the way we've architected our new apps is that those sorts of changes are very often cross-platform by default. We can make a change in the Core library at the heart of our apps and all the front-ends need to adopt the changes or they won't even build. This has lead to a level of consistency that we have been unable to achieve until now.

  • DenalB
    Community Member

    Sounds great! Thanks @ag_andrew ! 👍

  • SpaceSwift
    Community Member

    I agree entirely with this thread, I am very much missing Command + \

    I absolutely hate the inline filler as it often does not work on websites I use, so having that keyboard shortcut is a must. Looking forward to getting this back ASAP.

  • @SpaceSwift I hear you, I miss ⌘\ too.

    In the meantime, please do let us know which websites are giving the inline menu trouble. Even if you're not a fan, we can fix it up and make it work properly for other users 💜

  • Thenitai
    Community Member

    Love the new v8.... but ahhhh..... my whole workflow got messed up with not being able to customize the shortcuts. Looking forward to the update :)

  • daveother
    Community Member

    @ag_andrew glad to hear the standard shortcut should be returning. As a 1Password user for over 10 years (and a current subscriber now) I’m not optimistic but I hope the Electron resources (memory/battery usage) can be cut down as a max of 16GB of memory in most Macs means we don’t want a huge memory footprint for an app that is always running but only periodically used. My account renews later this month and I don’t have time to migrate everything somewhere else now so I’ll give it 9 months to see. If it’s as bad as I expect, I’ll look for other options next May when I have more time. I hope those making the decisions hear the concerns many have about Electron (memory, CPU usage, potential security) and you can show that it’s on par with version 7 or the company will be losing a lot of customers.

  • sulrich
    Community Member

    yes, definitely missing cmd-\ and the sudden arrival of cmd-shift-space is messing with things as well.

  • mpcsh
    Community Member

    Is the mini helper just gone in v8? I'm glad to hear that keyboard shortcut autofill will return, but @ag_andrew you didn't mention anything about keyboard-shortcut-to-show-mini-helper :(

  • SpaceSwift
    Community Member

    I agree entirely with this thread, I am very much missing Command + \

    I absolutely hate the inline filler as it often does not work on websites I use, so having that keyboard shortcut is a m

  • @mpcsh 1Password mini has been re-imagined as 1Password Quick Access. It's very early in the development cycle for this feature but we're excited for 1Password 8 adventurers to try it out. You can open it up with ⌘-Shift-Space (we'll be building customizable shortcuts for it soon) or by clicking the Menu Bar icon and clicking Open Quick Access.

    Give it a try and let us know what you think. Keep in mind that it's only about a week old at this point; there's lots left to add to it 😅

  • GadgetComa
    Community Member

    I don't generally use 1Password's keyboard shortcuts, but the lack of customization hits me in another way. I use Cmd-Shift-Space for Hook and built Keyboard Maestro automation around it. Now, 1Password gets in the way. Looking forward to being able to customize.

  • danpalmer
    Community Member

    Huge +1 to this, but for another reason – I already use the shortcuts that 1P8 uses for other things so it's conflicting with other software on my system.

    I'm enjoying the update overall but this is quite a regression for me.

  • ezaritov
    Community Member
    edited August 2021

    @ag_andrew What about using Option key to temporarily reveal hidden passwords? I was using it all the time. My passwords are hidden by default, so I do not expose them by accident to someone around me, but quite often I need to quickly peak into something like PIN code, or a password. In 1P8 it's a lot of clicking to reveal a password ...

  • pandamonia
    Community Member

    I'm also here to bemoan the lack of ⌘+\ for quick fill and ⌥ to reveal a password.

  • Thanks for sharing your feedback here, folks. It really is helpful to us to understand your specific use case, and in what ways and for what purposes keyboard shortcuts are important to you. This is something we're looking at closely!

  • StevenBedrick
    Community Member

    Another vote for ⌘+\ for quick fill! We're talking about years and years and years of muscle memory baked into that one...

  • Thanks StevenBedrick I resemble that remark with 14 years under my belt as a user of 1Password. :wink:

  • GregW
    Community Member

    Please consider those of us not using US keyboards. In my case; Swiss keyboard, a backslash is SHIFT+OPTION+7, so I use CMD+ü instead. Being able to map keys is essential to our company.

  • stupefly
    Community Member

    I'm somewhat relieved to know that shortcut customization is still an "open issue internally," but I'm pretty stunned that AgileBits released this early access without either first attaining feature-parity with 1PW7 or, at minimum, alerting users that the early access version is not feature-complete.

    Add me to the list of users who require keyboard customization. I've been using 1PW for 13 years and am not going to retrain my brain simply because AgileBits was too lazy to implement.

  • cyberskier
    Community Member

    I know ⌘+\ is missing, but is there some other keyboard shortcut for autofill in Safari? I've been searching around for the answer with no luck, and none of the shortcuts I'm trying are working.

  • @stupefly

    I'm somewhat relieved to know that shortcut customization is still an "open issue internally," but I'm pretty stunned that AgileBits released this early access without either first attaining feature-parity with 1PW7 or, at minimum, alerting users that the early access version is not feature-complete.

    We thought that calling it the "Early Access" and not even the beta, would make it clear that the build is not close to be feature-complete. Obviously, we made a mistake there.

    In any case, thank you for the feedback on the keyboard shortcuts!

  • stupefly
    Community Member

    You did call it "Early Access." You also call it BETA.

  • Ocean West
    Ocean West
    Community Member

    I am not able to use my F19 key as my custom shortcut. When will this be available?

This discussion has been closed.