Having to log into Multiple vaults??


Am I missing something? I have multiple vaults, and much preferred the single vault password to unlock all vaults of 1P7. I jump between them quite a bit, and the amount of times auto-fill doesn't work because the one vault locked has been frustrating. I hope this returns as an option if it isn't there now.

1Password Version: 8.2.2
Extension Version: 2.1.2
OS Version: macOS 11.6


  • winklebleck
    Community Member

    Found the answer by scanning older posts. Oddly, nothing came up in search.

    Use the same password for all vaults. Though this is an odd recommendation from a company that champions unique passwords.


  • sriggins
    Community Member

    I agree, this is a super odd recommendation and teaches people who don’t understand how software works a very bad lesson. I teach classes at a user group and am simply shocked that the folk at AgileBits suggest using the same password. If that’s the “solution” to this bug, then the entirety of 1Password.com should be rethought to just require 1 Password but give out different master keys (basically a second password) per account.

    Honestly, these are all terrible ideas. I’ll be shaking my head when I have to try and help people migrate from 7 to 8. It’s going to be a pain with Dropbox, local vault and iCloud deprecation as is. I just know people are going to delete their 7 without realizing they just orphaned a bunch of important data.

    I have NO idea what to do when someone has a work account and a personal account on the same Mac. They obviously cannot change the work account password so we will be right back to people choosing weak passwords because this new app is requiring them to type it in.

  • Ben

    Hi folks,

    This approach makes it possible for those who only want to unlock their e.g. work or home data to unlock one and leave the other locked, which wasn't possible before. If you'd like to unlock all accounts without having them have the same password that is possible through the use of Touch ID / Windows Hello / Apple Watch unlocking.

    then the entirety of 1Password.com should be rethought to just require 1 Password but give out different master keys (basically a second password) per account.

    That's sort of what we do. :) Each account has a unique Secret Key.

    I just know people are going to delete their 7 without realizing they just orphaned a bunch of important data.

    Fortunately at least on the desktop platforms removing the app doesn't remove any data. I wish I could say the same for mobile, but iOS does indeed delete the database when the app is removed, so that could be problematic, if folks do that.

    I have NO idea what to do when someone has a work account and a personal account on the same Mac. They obviously cannot change the work account password

    Why can they not change the account password for the 1Password account they are using for work?


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