Limited use in 3rd party apps with share sheet removal

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User]
Community Member
edited October 2021 in iOS

I know this has been talked about ad nauseam, but I was hoping to get some advice or clarity on the matter.

As we all know, AgileBits removed the share sheet extension in 1P 7.8. For the most part, the new Safari extension does everything the share sheet could do and more (assuming you're using a cloud vault, but that discussion has already been had multiple times). Unfortunately, the one area that the Safari extension doesn't help with is in 3rd party apps or browsers.

As the name implies, Safari extension work only in Safari. 3rd party apps and browsers, even though they're using the same rendering engine, don't have access to the Safari extension. As such, features that were provided by the share sheet are not available in these apps. For me, the most frustrating limitation is if I need to enter credit card info in a 3rd party app. I used to rely on 1Password for that, but without the share sheet extension, 1Password is simply useless in this kind of scenario. While it is possible that in a future update to iOS, Apple will open up Safari extensions to 3rd party apps, at the moment (and in the future) we are stuck with what Apple will allow.

Thus, my question is multifold:
• I know Dave Teare has written a very long post in regards to the share sheet and its removal, and I understand that he and many on the dev team rarely if ever used the share sheet. However, since its removal, it has become pretty clear that a lot of people did rely on that feature, and that the new Safari extension is not a true replacement for it when it comes to 3rd party apps. As such, has there been any talk or discussion into bringing the share sheet extension back?
• In the here and now, are there any workarounds that can bring back at least some of the functionality that the share sheet provided (short of switching to the 1Password app directly and copying what you need there)?
• Finally, and I know this is a question that is difficult if not impossible to answer, can AgileBits give any guarantees that moving forward if a major feature is going to be removed, that you will not only announce it ahead of time, but make it abundantly clear in the release notes what feature is being removed/changed? (As even after AgileBits updated the release notes with v. 7.8.1, the mention of the share sheet removal was way down in the notes and was very much not prominently displayed - i.e. unless you were looking for it, you'd most likely miss it).

I'm fully aware that the staff on these forums will most likely be unable to directly answer any of these questions (except for maybe the workaround question), but I felt the need to ask them anyways (perhaps in the hope that a more senior member of the dev team - maybe even Dave - will take the time to read this post.)

1Password Version: 7.9
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iOS 15


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Ragnorok!

    As you correctly wrote, I am able to answer your technical question :)

    • In the here and now, are there any workarounds that can bring back at least some of the functionality that the share sheet provided (short of switching to the 1Password app directly and copying what you need there)?

    You can use the AutoFill feature for this:

    Use 1Password to fill and save on your iPhone and iPad

    It won't fill credit cards yet, but it can fill in apps and third-party browsers :+1:

  • alexiaa
    Community Member
    edited October 2021

    I've opened a thread about this before as well. I'm not sure if there's any actual telemetry that was collected, but I think the usage of the share sheet extension was underestimated. Certainly, if you consider only Safari itself, usage is likely minimal with autofill and now also the browser extension being an option, but third party apps made use of this feature in contexts where the iOS autofill API either doesn't work or provides an inferior experience (e.g. can't have it automatically filter to a specific set of site logins, only the app's own domain - for SSH clients and such).

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    (e.g. can't have it automatically filter to a specific set of site logins, only the app's own domain - for SSH clients and such).

    This is an open feature request that our developers are aware of. In the meantime, I have let them know that you would find this useful too :+1:

  • aclauss
    Community Member

    I find it extremely disappointed that another feature was removed without warning. This is not the first time, there seems to be a long history in removing features without telling or warning the users in advance.

    If this was only a simple calculator app or a game, this would not be a big issue. But this App is managing our most valuable and most important data: our passwords. And it is essential that we can access this data in all cases. So you have a big responsibility to make sure that we can actually access our passwords. But with more and more features vanishing, it will get difficult to believe that 1Password is somehow reliable and trustworthy.
    Which features are being killed next? It seems that using 1Password becomes a real danger to the user - it is completely unknown if we can access our accounts and services after the next 1Password update.

    Right now, you've almost killed all support to third-party Apps. Focusing on Safari only is a really bad choice. Unfortunately Safari is not the center of the world, there are many other Apps which users rely on. And even by removing the action extension for 1Password you were very sloppy because you still advertise the presences of the extension (via URL scheme), so Apps supporting the action extension will still try to do this, but would only open an empty Sheet.

    I really hope that you bring back the action extension. Otherwise there's no reason to stick with 1Password. Especially when we have to expect that some more features will be removed in the future.

  • Hi @aclauss:

    Password AutoFill, the standard iOS function that 1Password can provide credentials to for iOS to fill, is available in every app. Additionally, with iOS 15, drag and drop is now available on iPhone as well as iPad: Drag and drop to fill in other apps


  • aclauss
    Community Member

    Hi @jack-platten

    • You can’t save passwords in 1Password from within third party Apps anymore. The action extension did support this
    • Also the iOS fill feature is not always available and does not always work where the action extension would have worked.
    • Older devices which can only run iOS 12 (iPhone 5s, iPhone 6/6 Plus, iPad Air, iPad mini 2/3, iPod Touch 6G) do still get the 1Password update, but on these devices filling out forms (or saving them) from within Apps is NO LONGER POSSIBLE AT ALL!!!! Even from within Safari you don't have access to the passwords anymore. 1Password is completely useless on these devices because NONE of the ways to access passwords is available on these devices anymore: The iOS fill feature does not have 1Password as an option, the action extension is not available, nothing works.
    • The new Drag&Drop feature of iOS 15 is extremly complicated to use on the iPhone, it’s usually faster to type in everything manually than trying to drag a password into an App.

    A password manager should make it easier to manage your passwords, not harder. Unfortunytely 1Password makes it harder and more complicated in too many cases...

  • @aclauss:

    You can’t save passwords in 1Password from within third party Apps anymore. The action extension did support this

    The 1Password AutoFill credential list is able to save passwords from third party apps.

    Also the iOS fill feature is not always available and does not always work where the action extension would have worked.

    This is a function of iOS, not 1Password. If an app is not flagging login fields properly so that iOS Password AutoFill can offer to fill into it, that would be best brought up to the developers of that app. Here's some reference documentation to forward to the developers: Password AutoFill | Apple Developer Documentation and Supporting Associated Domains | Apple Developer Documentation

    Older devices which can only run iOS 12 (iPhone 5s, iPhone 6/6 Plus, iPad Air, iPad mini 2/3, iPod Touch 6G) do still get the 1Password update, but on these devices filling out forms (or saving them) from within Apps is NO LONGER POSSIBLE AT ALL!!!! Even from within Safari you don't have access to the passwords anymore. 1Password is completely useless on these devices because NONE of the ways to access passwords is available on these devices anymore: The iOS fill feature does not have 1Password as an option, the action extension is not available, nothing works.

    Password AutoFill was introduced to iOS in iOS 12. All of the devices you have mentioned should have the ability to enable 1Password as a Password AutoFill provider in Settings.


  • aclauss
    Community Member

    Hi @jack-platten

    You’re right. The iOS fill feature does work under iOS 12, my problem was that this feature is disabled under iOS 12 by default, while under newer iOS releases this feature is enabled by default. So I had all these issues to get this running under iOS 12, and I didn’t know if and how I could enable this. Sorry that I didn’t notice this sooner.

    Nevertheless the "Save“ option is still an issue in too many cases, I never had these problems with the action extension. And this is not necessarily an issue of an App, in most cases this is an issue of web sites which do not flag the text fields.

This discussion has been closed.