Counts of things are missing.


Where did the item counts in the sidebar go? Are they coming back?

1Password Version: 8.0 latest β
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 12.1β


  • Hello again @Ryan Parman , this has been requested by some other folks as well, so I'll add your request here to our existing internal discussion around this project. While I don't have much to share about the state of this feature yet, we do take this kind of feedback seriously and act on it all the time.

    I hope that future improvements to 1Password 8, which will keep coming steadily, will impress you!

    ref: dev/core/core#9298

  • hponde
    Community Member

    I just wanted to +1 here that I also really miss the counts personally

  • Thank you, @hponde. We'll continue tracking demand for this, and appreciate you letting us know!

  • Ben

    Hey all. In the latest nightly build we've added item counts at the bottom of the item list. Please feel free to give it a try and let us know if you have any further feedback:


This discussion has been closed.