Items Starting With Numbers (Or Other Characters) Are Sorted First And Show Up Before "A"

Community Member

I'd like if we could set the first item shown in ascending order to be starting with "A" (or whichever letter comes first starting from A and going up through Z), instead of items with numbers (or other characters, e.g. $), where I'd prefer them to show up last.

1Password Version: Early Access For macOS
Extension Version: Latest
OS Version: macOS 12.x.x


  • @nimvio ! Thanks for sharing your feedback! We appreciate every idea that could make 1Password better.
    This feature is on our radar and we are discussing it internally.
    Keep an eye on our release notes, so you'll know as soon as it lands.
    Thanks again and have a wonderful day!

  • nimvio
    Community Member
    edited February 2022

    Thanks, @ag_maryam .

  • We appreciate the suggestion, @nimvio. Thanks again! 😄

  • viswiz
    Community Member

    Isn‘t the current sorting order the same one as all previous 1PW used? I.e. starting with numbers and special characters followed by A-Z. I would prefer to stay with the current order as most applications I use sort this way.

  • I believe it is, @viswiz. Special characters (like quotation marks and emojis, and so on), followed by numbers, followed by letters in alphabetical order.

  • nimvio
    Community Member
    edited February 2022

    @PeterG_1P , @viswiz , If I recall correctly, the iOS app used to sort the items containing numbers/characters last, versus the desktop app, or vice versa. Regardless of which one was different, the point being that there used to be that inconsistency, hence, why I liked it.

    For example, if I had an item for "1Password" (e.g., containing something about it), it'd show up before something like "Apple", which is something I'm much more likely to use. And when there's multiple items with numbers/characters, it pushes the "Apple's" all the way down. But I digress.

    TL;DR: Obviously, it's not a huge issue, but my 2 cents. :-)

  • viswiz
    Community Member

    @nimvio I've just checked the iOS and macOS versions. They behave differently. On iOS it's numbers and characters first thereas on macOS it's just the opposite. I would prefer to have the same sorting behaviour on all platforms. But I agree with @nimvio that it's not a huge issue for me either.

  • Hey @viswiz / @nimvio:

    Thanks for your additional feedback here. As we move to unify 1Password across all platforms with our shared core, one of the benefits we gain is consistency in behavior across platforms. Stay tuned for updates, and hopefully we can have this smoothed out for you in the future!


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