Bug: Checkbox for Privacy.com in 1Password client opens in non-default web browser


So, this was closed without the ability to respond. https://1password.community/discussion/121859/bug-checkbox-for-privacy-com-in-1password-client-opens-in-non-default-web-browser#latest

Safari Technical Preview is Safari. It might not be com.apple.Safari, but it's still Safari.

I believe that this is still a bug, and "bad UX is OK" is not a valid response from the development team.

1Password Version: 8.6.0
Extension Version: Safari, v2.2.3
OS Version: macOS 12.3β


  • Hey @Ryan Parman:

    Thanks for following up on this. As the Privacy integration is now controlled directly by 1Password in the browser, and not a setting within 1Password for Mac, you should be able to enable the Privacy integration in STP. Right click the 1Password icon in the toolbar, choose Settings, then ensure that the Privacy integration is enabled. Let me know how you get on with that!


  • Ryan Parman
    Ryan Parman
    Community Member

    Cool. Thanks!

This discussion has been closed.