1Password 8: Unable to reorder metadata fields

Community Member

I've recently switched over to 1PW 8 and have generally been loving it (especially the SSH Keys functionality), but one thing I discovered today that is not a deal breaker, but definitely a something I use regularly is the ability to reorder the fields in the SECTIONS area of a record in 1PW. I used to be able to add a number of fields, and then drag them in the order of importance or group related fields. I cannot figure out how to do that in this new version.

1Password Version: 8.7.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 12.4


  • Hi @binarynomad,

    Thanks for posting, and I understand your pain about not being able to reorder fields in 1Password 8. The reason you can't figure out how to reorder fields is because that functionality does not currently exist in 1Password 8. One of our founders, Dave, has already spoken about this in another post. You can read his comments here: https://1password.community/discussion/comment/639053/#Comment_639053.

    I hope that helps!


  • binarynomad
    Community Member

    Thanks so much for the info Alex, i really appreciate it! I just added my plus one in confirming that I’m happy to see it is on the roadmap 😊

  • PeterG_1P
    edited June 2022

    Hi @binarynomad, I can confirm that your vote has now been tallied. 👍 Thank you for adding your voice to this!

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