Intermittent Beachball Google Chrome 105 1Password 8.9.4 MacOS 12.5.1

I recently and finally upgraded from Standalone 1Password 7 to 1Password 8 Family Account. 1P7 was working great in all browsers without any issues.

Once I updated to 1P8 and updated the related extensions, I started having a lot of problems in Google Chrome. I have checked that Google Chrome is updated, currently Version 105.0.5195.102 as of 2022-09-13.

On an inconsistent and intermittent basis, Google Chrome will throw a beachball for several seconds, return to arrow, then beachball again for several seconds. This may happen 2-3 times or more. I will occasionally get a popup warning me "1Password can't verify that Google Chrome should have access to your item. Do you want to fill it anyway?" with three options: Fill Once, Fill & Update Login, Cancel

I love 1P and have for 14 years now (holy crap!). I hope there is a fix. Is there a conflict with Javascript running on a website? Or some other issue?

I have two Google Chrome Extensions installed and running, Honey and Evernote Clipper. 1Password Google Chrome Extension Version 2.3.7

1Password Version: 8.9.4
Extension Version: 2.3.7
OS Version: macOS 12.5.1
Browser:_ Google Chrome 105.0.5195.102


  • ooglek
    Community Member

    More details. Yes, I have a lot of browser tabs open in 3 windows. 1P7 + Extension didn't have an issue, so I believe that should be unrelated. Screenshot attached.

    I will send the console log to 1P directly, because I'm not sure if there is PII in there or not.

    12:32:25 -- I try to fill a login on a page
    Google Chrome becomes unresponsive for 1 minute
    12:33:05-ish -- Pops up "Could not verify" prompt, click "Fill Login"
    Google Chrome becomes unresponsive for almost 2 more minutes
    12:35:14 -- Finally can use Google Chrome Again.

    12:32:25.375 background.js:2 📤 Sending <NmLockState> message to native core <[REDACTED]>
    12:32:35.388 background.js:2 [LM] User went inactive. Posting lock notification.
    12:32:35.389 background.js:2 [LM] Stopped.
    12:32:35.389 background.js:2 [OP] Locked at Tue Sep 13 2022 12:32:35 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
    12:33:05.398 background.js:2 signout failed: ClientError: The request took too long. Check your Internet connection and try again.
        at new t (background.js:2:1124546)
        at background.js:2:1642340
        at Array.f (background.js:2:347162)
        at background.js:2:346855
    12:33:05.400 background.js:2 [OP] Locked at Tue Sep 13 2022 12:33:05 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
    12:35:14.505 background.js:2 💫 Looking for desktop app com.1password.1password
    12:35:14.505 background.js:2 📤 Sending <NmRequestAccounts> message to native core <[REDACTED]>
    12:35:15.386 background.js:2 📥 Received message <NmRequestAccounts> from native core <[REDACTED]>
    12:35:15.387 background.js:2 📤 Sending <NmRequestAccounts> message to native core <[REDACTED]>
    12:35:16.014 extensions::setIcon:49 [Violation] 'load' handler took 268ms
    12:35:16.036 background.js:2 📥 Received message <NmRequestAccounts> from native core <[REDACTED]>
    12:35:16.472 background.js:2 Hooray!; Unlocked account [REDACTED] with MUK; 🎉
    12:35:16.473 background.js:2 We successfully unlocked 1 account(s) from a Desktop app with 1 unlocked and 0 locked account(s).
    12:35:17.243 background.js:2 [LM] Started Desktop Lock Monitor at 1663086917243 (connected to desktop app).
    12:35:18.130 extensions::setIcon:49 [Violation] 'load' handler took 231ms

  • ooglek
    Community Member

    ARGH -- just tried to post my comment and it failed.

    Anyway, more detail here. Google Chrome goes unresponsive for 3 minutes trying to fill a login. I'll send the full console log to Support in case there is PII. I'll redact the relevant part here.

    Also got a screenshot of the dead 1P dialog in the browser.

    User Experience:

    • 12:32:25 -- Hit command-backslash to fill a login
    • Google Chrome beachballs, is unusable
    • 12:33:05-ish -- Prompt states "Cannot determine if Chrome" prompt, hit "Fill Login"
    • Google Chrome beachballs, is unusable
    • 12:35:14 Google Chrome returns, nothing is filled in, I am le sad. [REDACTED]
    12:32:25.375 background.js:2 📤 Sending <NmLockState> message to native core <[REDACTED]>
    12:32:35.388 background.js:2 [LM] User went inactive. Posting lock notification.
    12:32:35.389 background.js:2 [LM] Stopped.
    12:32:35.389 background.js:2 [OP] Locked at Tue Sep 13 2022 12:32:35 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
    12:33:05.398 background.js:2 signout failed: ClientError: The request took too long. Check your Internet connection and try again.
        at new t (background.js:2:1124546)
        at background.js:2:1642340
        at Array.f (background.js:2:347162)
        at background.js:2:346855
    (anonymous) @ background.js:2
    Promise.catch (async)
    (anonymous) @ background.js:2
    Promise.then (async)
    (anonymous) @ background.js:2
    FW @ background.js:2
    signOut @ background.js:2
    C8.lock @ background.js:2
    mre @ background.js:2
    Voe @ background.js:2
    broadcastState @ background.js:2
    updateState @ background.js:2
    updateStateFromDesktopApp @ background.js:2
    (anonymous) @ background.js:2
    updateState @ background.js:2
    nextState @ background.js:2
    (anonymous) @ background.js:2
    await in (anonymous) (async)
    process @ background.js:2
    (anonymous) @ background.js:2
    setTimeout (async)
    push @ background.js:2
    invoke @ background.js:2
    Fee.lockState @ background.js:2
    Rne.didUserGoInactive @ background.js:2
    Rne.queryState @ background.js:2
    12:33:05.400 background.js:2 [OP] Locked at Tue Sep 13 2022 12:33:05 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
    12:35:14.505 background.js:2 💫 Looking for desktop app com.1password.1password
    12:35:14.505 background.js:2 📤 Sending <NmRequestAccounts> message to native core <[REDACTED]>
    12:35:15.386 background.js:2 📥 Received message <NmRequestAccounts> from native core <[REDACTED]>
    12:35:15.387 background.js:2 📤 Sending <NmRequestAccounts> message to native core <[REDACTED]>
    12:35:16.014 extensions::setIcon:49 [Violation] 'load' handler took 268ms
    12:35:16.036 background.js:2 📥 Received message <NmRequestAccounts> from native core <[REDACTED]>
    12:35:16.472 background.js:2 Hooray!; Unlocked account [REDACTED] with MUK; 🎉
    12:35:16.473 background.js:2 We successfully unlocked 1 account(s) from a Desktop app with 1 unlocked and 0 locked account(s).
    12:35:17.243 background.js:2 [LM] Started Desktop Lock Monitor at [REDACTED] (connected to desktop app).
    12:35:18.130 extensions::setIcon:49 [Violation] 'load' handler took 231ms

  • ooglek
    Community Member

    I have followed @Joy_1P suggestion to remove the 1P app integration from the Google Chrome 1P Extension, shut Chrome/1P/1P Helper down, then start 1P then Chrome. That seems to have improved my immediate situation so far.

    I will report back if I experience any additional failures.

    Could someone at 1Password explain what this process does, why it helps, and why it cannot be automated for those less technically inclined?

  • ooglek
    Community Member

    Spoke too soon, tried filling on another page in another Google Chrome window, got the beachball again. ARGH

  • beaugunderson
    Community Member

    Also seeing this, the wait is interminable 😬

  • beaugunderson
    Community Member

    Another wrinkle: I use Moom to tile my windows to the left and right side of my screen. I use cmd+shift+left and cmd+shift+right to move to the left and right halves of my screen respectively. If I move the window of a Chrome profile with the 1password extension installed using this method I get a beach ball for 30 seconds before the window responds again.

    If I move the window of a Chrome profile without the 1password extension installed it's instantaneous.

  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @ooglek, sorry about the issue you're seeing. It sounds like you went through the steps to reset the browser integration connection, which in some cases do help with the issue. However, if it does not, then we'd need to review things further.

    I looked at your console logs but would also like to get a diagnostics report from you. Please reproduce the issue with filling and then send over updated logs as well as a diagnostics report from the 1Password 8 app:

    Attach the logs and diagnostics to an email message addressed to

    With your email please include:

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here. Thanks!

  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @beaugunderson, does resetting the browser integration feature help with the issue? Here are the steps to do that (if you haven't done them yet):

    1. Right-click the 1Password icon in your browser toolbar and choose Settings.
    2. Under General, disable "Integrate with 1Password app".
    3. Fully quit 1Password app and browser.
    4. Restart the 1Password app and then open browser.
    5. Right-click the 1Password icon in your browser toolbar and choose Settings.
    6. Under General, re-enable "Integrate with 1Password app".
    7. Test things out with the extension.

    If that doesn't help, I'd like you to reproduce the issue and send over the following so we can take a closer look at what may be going on:

    Attach the logs and diagnostics to an email message addressed to

    With your email please include:

    A link to this thread:
    Your forum username: beaugunderson

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here. Thanks!

  • beaugunderson
    Community Member

    Prior to following your steps I first disabled the 1Password extension from the Chrome extensions page, then re-enabled it... I then tried resizing my Chrome using Moom; it's instantaneous, no beach balling. I then tried autocompleting a password on a website using cmd-\, had tons of beach balling and Chrome freezing. The Chrome resizing is still instantaneous, though, for now.

    I will now follow your exact steps and report back in a separate comment.

  • beaugunderson
    Community Member

    OK, I've followed the steps you laid out and still tons of beach balling happening. I will email the logs and report. :)

  • beaugunderson
    Community Member

    Also worth noting that the beach balling on resize is back now as well.

  • ooglek
    Community Member

    @Joy_1P Thank you, I have sent the requested information.

  • fifafu
    Community Member

    @Joy_1P is it possible 1Password is affected by this as well?
    I think 1Password is also toggling the AXEnhancedUserInterface flag in Chrome

  • @beaugunderson & @ooglek,

    Thanks for sending those in! I have located your emails and will be replying to each shortly.


    Thanks for the tip. I've passed along that detail to our developers. So they can look into what we are doing when autofilling to see if that is related.

    ref: dev/core/core#17385

  • jraoult
    Community Member


    I've been experiencing beach ball and freezes for a while now. I'm currently running Brave 1.44 (that is essentially Chrome 106) and I also suspect 1Password is at least partially responsible. What's everyone workaround so far? Giving up the Chrome extension, simply disabling the integration with the 1Password app, something else?

  • mwean
    Community Member

    I'm having the same problem. Has there been any progress?

  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    @mwean it depends on the specific behavior you're seeing. Are you running into the issue while using the keyboard shortcut to fill your login in Chrome? If not, what steps are you taking?

  • mwean
    Community Member

    Yes, if I use the keyboard shortcut, it freezes. If I just open an item and copy values in, it sometimes freezes a little, but not nearly as much as using the fill shortcut.

  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    @mwean how do things work if you select a suggestion from the inline menu? Here's how to do that:

  • mwean
    Community Member

    Yeah, using the inline menu seems faster. I just don't like using that :)

This discussion has been closed.