Why Shared items are duplicated in 1P8?

Community Member
edited December 2022 in iOS

The more I use 1P8, the more I am looking for a replacement app. What a messed up app! Why my Shared items are duplicated in 1P8?


  • Hello @Sal160! 👋

    I'm sorry that you're seeing duplicate items. Are the duplicates all located in your Shared vault? Or do you see the same items in two different vaults? Can you see the duplicate items when you log in to your 1Password account on 1Password.com (in the browser, not the app)?

    Can you also tell me if you were using an older standalone vault in a previous version of 1Password? I look forward to hearing from you.


  • Sal160
    Community Member

    Good afternoon. I have brought or complaint about this issue several times before. The duplicates are showing in the Shared, both in 1P8 and in the website. 1P7 doesn’t have that problem. I though about deleting the extra ones but I was afraid I would lose data, and I would not be able to bring the issues and find a solution. I love 1P up to 7.

    I am using 1P7, predominately, as I do not like 1P8, at all. All because of the many issues or dramatic change in the interface that others had complaint. Another issue is why I can just show the Private vault and keep shared hidden, just like in 1P7.

    I don’t understand what you meant about standalone vaults.

  • @Sal160

    Thank you for the reply. You shouldn't be seeing different numbers of items in the Shared vault in 1Password 8 and 1Password 7 so that doesn't sound right at all. In order to investigate further, I'd like to ask you to create a diagnostics report from your iOS device:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (iOS)

    Attach the diagnostics to an email message addressed to support+forum@1password.com.

    With your email please include:

    The report will be in zip format. Please send the entire file.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here. Thanks very much!

  • Sal160
    Community Member


    Sorry for the delayed reply. Thanks very much for looking into this. So to clarify, the duplicates are in 1P8 and not in 1P7. My other three users have the same problems. In fact, they were the ones that initially noticed and complained to me. With 1P7, I have always been happier than a dog with three tails. lol.

    I will send you that file right away.

    Thanks and Merry Christmas,

  • Sal160
    Community Member


    As requested, this is the support ID:


    Again, thanks very, very much for looking into this.


  • @Sal160

    Thank you for the Support ID, I've located your diagnostics report and one of my colleagues will take a look and send you a reply over email as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience. 🙂


    ref: SXU-35395-935

  • Sal160
    Community Member

    Dave_1P, thanks!!!!

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

  • @Sal160

    I'm happy that my colleague is helping over email and I'll close this forum thread. Happy Holidays to you as well! 😊


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