Can't "confirm" subscription through Google Play

Community Member

I subscribed to 1pass through Google Play, canceled it, then changed my mind and resubscribed again but now I seem to be stuck... Google Play wants me to "confirm" my subscription by opening the app but I've opened the app multiple times and nothing is happening. Any ideas?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Hi @casino100, thanks for writing in. I'm sorry there has been an issue re-subscribing! As this question relates to a subscription, we won't be able to go into any detail here on the forum, I'd like to ask you to reach out to us directly via email at so we can help resolve them. Please include a brief description of the issue.

    After emailing in, you'll receive a reply from BitBot, our automated responder, with a Support ID that looks something like [#ABC-12345-678]. You can post that here so I can help make sure your message gets to the right place. If you've already contacted us via email, lets continue the conversation there. Thanks again!

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