Feature Suggestions: Tag Search, Search Exclusion, and the Search Itself

Community Member


This is yet another suggest/feature request/compliant about 1Password 8's search ability.

Firstly about Tag Search and Exclusion

I use tags to label my logins like, if I have the following items and their tags,

  1. Apple Store ----------- tag:card/Chase tag:phone/T-mobile
  2. Google Play Store - tag:card/Chase tag:phone/Verizon
  3. Microsoft Store ----- tag:card/Wells Fargo
  4. STEAM ----------------- tag:card/Wells Fargo tag:phone/Verizon
  5. PlayStation Network - tag:card/Bank of America
  6. Amazon --------------- tag:card/Chase tag:phone/Verizon

I know I can specify =tag:card/Wells Fargo and some terms to search for tags, but it seems I cannot exclude things or search for tags only.
Is this possible with the current version 1Password for Mac 8.9.8?

Here are some of my needs:

  1. Search for a Tag and a Term -- 👍 Works now.
    =tag:card/Chase Store
    Reveals 1. Apple Store and 2. Google Play Store

  2. Search for Multiple Tags and a Term -- 👍 Works now.
    =tag:card/Chase =tag:phone/T-mobile Store
    Reveals 1. Apple Store

  3. Search for Multiple Tags Directly -- ❓Not available.
    =tag:card/Chase =tag:phone/Verizon
    To reveal 2. Google Play Store and 6. Amazon

  4. Exclude Tags -- ❓Not available.
    Store but not =tag:Wells Fargo nor =tag:phone/Verizon
    To reveal 1. Apple Store

  5. Exclude Terms -- ❓Not available.
    Play but not Store
    To reveal 5. PlayStation Network

I can come up with more complex usages but these are currently what I need.

Next are problems with search itself.

About the Search Flow

As everyone else on the forum, I have some complaints to the search design.
After typing the query, no matter hitting return or command-return, the query disappears right away.
There is no way to refine my query if the result is not what I want.
I know there have been NUMEROUS complaints and suggestions on the forum already.
But I'd still like to provide what would be ideal to myself.

My ideal workflow would be

  1. Compose my query
  2. Live result shows up while composing
    • list matched items directly in the left pane
    • (with or without showing the first item's content in the right pane)
  3. Refine my query
  4. Hit return to move focus into the left pane
    • by default selecting the first item, so the right pane shows the first item's details
    • as all matching items are kept in the left pane, I can view different items
    • no need for command-return
      • both needs are fulfilled: directly goes to the first item/shows all matching items
  5. I should still be able to modify my query after hitting return

Lastly, if I start a search while viewing a tag or a vault, maybe let the search criteria default to that tag or vault.
This way I can search for the content I'm viewing, like currently ctrl-alt-F opt+cmd+F does (which is also badly designed).
For this last suggestion, 1Password may need a button to empty these criteria, for people who want to search from scratch.

1Password Version: 8.9.8
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Hi @vieleoz, 👋🏻

    Thanks so much for taking the time to share such detailed feedback! I can think of a handful of feature requests that would cover what you've described here so I've shared your thoughts internally.

    It sounds like you've already read plenty of threads relating to these topics, but do let me know if you have any questions.

    Thanks again for the level of detail and including your own examples, it really helps. 🙂

    ref: IDEA-I-294
    ref: IDEA-I-1480
    ref: IDEA-I-289
    ref: IDEA-I-454
    ref: IDEA-I-1896

  • DingusMcGee
    Community Member

    I agree - really need the ability to EXCLUDE specific tags.

  • Thanks for your feedback, @DingusMcGee, I've added your voice to our internal tracker on the topic. If you're open to sharing more, it's always helpful for us to include examples and context when we pass this feedback along to the rest of the team. I appreciate your input either way. 🙂

    ref: IDEA-I-294

  • macgirl
    Community Member

    Please add my +1 to this request.

  • Hi @macgirl,

    Thanks for letting us know this is important to you, I'm happy to record your feedback internally. Let me know if there are any use cases or examples you'd like to include or if you have any questions!

    ref: PB-30998351

This discussion has been closed.