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Importing for a family member

Community Member
edited January 2023 in Memberships

I'd like to create a 1P account and import passwords from another program, for a technically un-savvy family member.

Are there any gotchas if I invite them, then click the invite myself, create the account, and do the import, all on MY computer. I'd like to make it so they don't have to do anything, except log in and start using it.


  • lesster
    Community Member
    edited January 2023

    One big thing I want to verify 100% is that nothing about the account would end up tied to my machine. I really really doubt it, just making sure, since I won't be the user of that account, and it will be used pretty exclusively on that other user's computer, not mine.

  • lesster
    Community Member

    The other big thing is that I really don't want this process to affect MY account, the one that's normally used on my machine, at all.

    Is this a reasonable plan?

  • lesster
    Community Member
    edited January 2023

    Having not heard back (I know it's a weekend, but that's when I have time to work on this), I tried to go ahead, but I've hit a snag.
    I sent the invite to my family member, logged into their email to get that invite, created the account, and confirmed it.

    Next step is to log into the 1P app (not site) as them (using their email and pw), and do the actual import.

    However, I can't figure out how to log into the 1P app as them.

    I don't see any place to change accounts or users.
    I tried copying a setup link, quitting 1P, and clicking on that link, but it says I'm already logged in as myself.
    That's not actually true, when I open the app I have to log in.

    How can I log into the 1P on Windows as a different member of the family I created?

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    Which platform and app are you using?

    You don't "login" as a user - rather, you add an Account within the app. Once you add an account, you have access to the vaults available to that user's account.

    There are multiple methods available for entering credentials when you select the Add an Account button (the location of this varies, depending upon platform, so that's why this information is requested when you post a question).

  • lesster
    Community Member
    edited January 2023

    Thanks for your help.
    I'm on Windows 10, 1P8.

    I logged in to 1P as myself, clicked Managed Accounts > Add an Account > Sign in with Emergency Kit > Import Emergency Kit, and enter the password for that other account.

    1P then says "You can sign in to only one [family] account at a time. You'll need to sign out of [my_email] before you can sign in to this account.
    Tried scanning the QR code from their emergency kit instead of importing the pdf, same result.

    I'm stuck going in circles.
    Have to be logged in as myself to add a new user, then as the new user, which doesn't work because I'm already logged in as a different user.

    I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, help is much appreciated.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    You can have multiple families accounts in use at a time. I just added two family accounts via the Windows app to my personal account setup. I used the Enter Account Details button:

  • lesster
    Community Member

    I'll give that a try, maybe the emergency kit can't be used this way.

  • Tertius3
    Community Member

    This "Sign In" dialog is slightly hidden to find. In the sidebar on the left, right click your current collection or account name, then Manage Accounts, then + Add Account.

  • lesster
    Community Member
    edited January 2023

    Thanks, but I did find it, noted in my earlier post.
    Problem happened after that.

  • lesster
    Community Member

    @MrC, during the Add Account process, I tried signing by manually entering that user's account details instead of importing their emergency kit, same problem, you can only be signed into one account at a time.
    If I cancel that signing in, the second account doesn't get added.

    I don't know what's wrong here.
    This is part of family account setup, so people must be able to do this.

    Thoughts, or, especially, detailed steps, are welcome.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited January 2023


    Is it possible that you are trying to add another family member from the same family account vs. adding a separate, distinct family account?

  • lesster
    Community Member

    @MrC, or anyone really, can you describe pretty specifically the steps to follow?

    As I said, I did this:
    I logged in to 1P as myself, clicked Manage Accounts > Add an Account.

    At this point, it wants me to sign in.
    Obviously, I'm already logged in, so I thought it must be asking the the credentials for the account I'm trying to add.
    I tried doing that via Sign in with Emergency Kit > Import Emergency Kit, and entering the password for that other account.

    1P then says "You can sign in to only one [family] account at a time. You'll need to sign out of [my_email] before you can sign in to this account.
    Tried scanning the QR code from their emergency kit instead of importing the pdf, same result.
    Tried Enter Account Details, same result.

    If I cancel, the account doesn't get added.
    If I go ahead, I get the alert about being logged into only one family account at a time.

    Running out of ideas, I thought maybe it's just trying to confirm that I have rights to import, so maybe it wants my family owner login at this point, not the new account.
    That failed too, says I'm already logged in as that user.

    Please someone, walk me specifically through the steps to add a user to a family and import their data from another program?
    I've invited them, and responded to the invite myself, so I think the account has been created; have the Emergency pdf to prove it.
    I just need to get into their account in the 1P8 program on Windows 10, so I can do the actual import.


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited January 2023


    I updated my text above your recent reply. Please review it.

    Also see:

    How to use multiple accounts

  • lesster
    Community Member

    Thanks for the references @MrC.

    Can't go through them in full tonight, but it looks like that second one may be a good fit.

    We each have our own computers, and the other person is on their iPhone most of the time. I'm just trying to get their account set up and their data imported, so they don't have to deal with that. I want to do that on my computer, since the other person's Mac is super ancient and slow. After that, we'll each be using our own accounts on our own machines.

    I'm hoping this one time setup is possible. I'll continue trying tomorrow if I have time.

    Thanks again.

  • lesster
    Community Member

    @MrC re your updated text, what I see has changed is it now specifically says to use the Enter Account Details button.
    I assume you're talking about the Manage Accounts > Add an Account > Sign In sequence, yes?

    As I've said, I tried that, and I still get the "You can sign into only one [familyname] account at a time" message.
    I don't know what's different about my steps than yours, but that set of actions simply doesn't work for me.

    Maybe instead of sketching out the step or two you think I might be missing, you could detail all of the steps you took.
    Talk to me like I'm 5 and know nothing, so you need to be explicit, and leave nothing out.

    This is so frustrating.
    I'm sure this is easy once you know how.
    (Or maybe it's impossible, as per this discussion you pointed me to, which says you need to use separate Windows user accounts, but I think that may apply to 1P7, not sure.)

    I wish I could just talk through this with support on the phone or via Zoom/Meet, but there's no interactive support, far as I can see.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited January 2023


    Perhaps you've made this clear above, and I might have missed it. I'd asked:

    Is it possible that you are trying to add another family member from the same family account vs. adding a separate, distinct family account?

    And your initial posts say:

    I'd like to create a 1P account and import passwords from another program, for a technically un-savvy family member..
    Are there any gotchas if I invite them,

    This sounds to me like you are adding a member to your Family account. But you can only be logged into a Family account in your app as a single user, not as multiple users. You can have any number of other Family or Teams accounts added to the app, and logged in at that same time. But not multiple users from within a single family. Hence the error message you receive.

  • lesster
    Community Member
    edited January 2023

    Hmmm, thanks very much for clarifying that.

    It's unfortunate though, can't do what I want to do, at least not the way I had in mind.

    Can you think of a way to import from another program into another family member's account? I need to do this from my machine, not theirs, for Reasons.

    I really hope it's possible somehow.

    Official support has ghosted on this thread, and on my email request for help too. Disappointing.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    What I would do is simply sign-out of my family account, and then sign-in using the other family member's trio of username, secret key, and master password. Then, you can do you import into their account within your family. When you are done, sign-out of that account, and sign-in again using your own trio of credentials. It is this trio of credentials that differentiates (and protects) each family member.

    If you need access to some of your credentials while their account is associated with the app, you can use - log in first if necessary.

    Reminder - be sure you have your emergency kit available (make sure you always have these critical three credentials available, as there is no recovery should you lose them). Don't rely solely on any open browser window as your only readily available credentials.

    I tested this (on a Mac) and had no trouble signing-out of my account(s), then signing-in as a different member of a family account. I did this by:

    1. Signed-out of the account
    2. Clicked the Sign In button
    3. Selected the Sign in with a different account button
    4. Selected the Enter account details button
    5. Added the new family member's credentials
  • lesster
    Community Member
    edited January 2023

    Thank you!
    Once I found the Sign Out menu item (I get that it's not commonly used, so it's not front and center), signing in with the other user's emergency kit worked perfectly, as did switching back to my account.

    Unfortunately, importing the other user's data failed due an "error beyond their control".
    I'll send the log file to support, hope they can say something useful.
    So far all the other import errors have been put down to non-ascii characters in the import file, which 1P can't handle yet.
    Since I don't have any control over what's in my family member's data, I hope they can fix this soon, if that's the issue in my case.

    Thank you again for your patience with my misunderstandings :)

  • lesster
    Community Member

    1P support got back to me re the import diagnostics file I sent.
    Basically they said they're working on it, I should use the web csv importer instead.

    Unfortunately, while that somewhat worked for my family member's data, a lot of entries are missing.
    Seems like no secure notes or credit cards came over, and some other random stuff.

    At least some of that isn't 1P's fault, some entries are missing from the csv file, so there's no way they'd make it into 1P.
    I looked in there for a while with a text editor, got sick of it and stopped before I checked every missing item.

    I was able to import via csv, and while I haven't checked every entry, the vast majority are clearly there, haven't run into anything missing.
    My family member is on Mac/iPhone, and I was exporting and importing on Windows, but I hope those platform differences are accounted for.

    I wish both programs could show the total count of items, as a crude first-level check of the import process.

    Bottom line for me is that I hope the direct import gets fixed soon, and works better than this did.

  • GreyM1P
    edited February 2023


    Thanks for the update. I know the team are working on the direct LastPass import experience, and in particular, dealing with those item types you mentioned, and the use of non-ASCII characters (and emoji!) in the .csv file, which have tripped up some customers already. Let us know if you run into any further issues.

    I wish both programs could show the total count of items, as a crude first-level check of the import process.

    If you click All Items in the sidebar (or choose All Items from the Items tab on mobile), then tap the Sort Options button (which looks like ↓≡), you can see the number of items in that list. It'll look like this:


    Hopefully that'll help as well. :)

  • lesster
    Community Member

    Yes, I know, guess I want super clear.

    I can't find a way to show that total in Last pass, to compare with 1P. LP shows totals for each folder, not overall though I think.

  • @lesster

    You can also see the total number of items in all your vaults by signing in to and clicking the 1Password icon in the top left corner. You'll see your vault(s) and the number of items in it/them. If you have more than one vault, you can click All Vaults, and you'll see the number of items shown next to All Items in the sidebar.

    As for LastPass, I must admit I can't be of much help there. It sounds like adding up the items in your folders would be one way of doing it, but hopefully they have something similar to us so that you can see the total number more easily.

This discussion has been closed.