My 1password 7 filevault was kept in my Dropbox. Where is my filevault for 1password 8 kept?

Community Member

My 1password 7 filevault was kept in my Dropbox. Where is my filevault for 1password 8 kept?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:where is my filevault kept


  • @bobwayster

    1Password 8 uses 1Password 7 was the last version to support 3rd party sync types. The file itself is kept in the users Library folder.

  • bobwayster
    Community Member

    So, I can safely trash the copy that is still on Dropbox? I don't want to have copies of the file vault out there if they're moot.

  • ag_tommy
    edited February 2023

    Yes, if all of your data is on then you can remove the file in Dropbox. I recommend double checking to be sure. As they say It's a measure twice and cut once type of situation.

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