Licenses for Windows


I bought 1P for my husband on PC - I've been using it for years on OSX.

The website makes NO MENTION of how many PCs one can install on... Only Mac. He needs to have it on 2 laptops and one desktop - is this possible?

"Sane Licensing Model
A 1Password for Mac single-user license allows you to install and use it on as many Macs as you own. We like to call this our Sane Licensing Model™—there is only one of you, so we think you should need only one license for 1Password for Mac to use it on all your Macs!"

Widows - no mention of this.


  • slashmike
    Community Member

    I'm right there with you. I have 1Password on my Apple computer but I also have Windows installed on the same machine via Bootcamp. Would be sweet to have it on my Windows-side as well as my main Apple partition.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Sorry for any confusion, folks. The relevant info is in the link at the end of the "Sane Licensing Model" on the page from which you are quoting, Kengel:

    [If] you alone use 1Password on your home and work Windows machines, you only need one single user license for 1Password for Windows.

    The Sane Licensing Model applies to all platforms. One Windows license is for one user on an unlimited number of Windows PCs as long as that person is the only user of 1Password on those PCs. Likewise for Macs with a 1Password for Mac license.

    slashmike, a Mac+Windows bundle license is available. It is right at the top of our store:

    However, if you already have a Mac license, you don't need a bundle (You'd essentially be paying for two Mac licenses if you purchased a Mac+Windows bundle license in addition to your existing Mac license.) Instead, just enter your existing license key on the upgrade page and purchase a Single User Windows license at a discounted price:

    This is specifically mentioned on the aforelinked page:

    1Password for Windows requires a separate license, available in our store.

    If you only need read-only access to your 1Password data in Windows, you can use the free 1PasswordAnywhere feature which is already built-in to your data file.

    I hope that helps. Please let me know.


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