Are there certain search booleans I should be aware of?

Community Member

I am looking for a partial match of "1@g" when I search in 1password 8 for mac. This returns 106 results. However, if I search "@g", it returns 250 results. None of the results have any data in any field that matches any of these strings sequentially by character. Can someone explain what exactly it is matching when I enter "1@g"? Is the @ character in the search box some kind of boolean opertor I don't know about?

1Password Version: 8.10.8
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • @reelfish

    Try omitting the @, if possible. We have an open issue where some special characters will interfere with the search; for lack of a better word, breaking it. I've added your report to our issue tracker.

  • viswiz
    Community Member

    As far as I remember search currently splits search phrases into words by characters like ., and probably @. Even worse it doesn't use boolean "and" to search for all words but uses boolean "or". Thus the search results are very often not what one might expect.
    The search problems of 1PW8 are known for almost two years...
    1PW7's far better search does not have this kind of problem.

  • ag_tommy
    edited July 2023

    viswiz is correct. Thanks viswiz. The original issue was filed for a period breaking the search into two portions. Looks like other characters have crept into the mix. I've made an additional note of that.

    ref: dev/core/core#17472

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited July 2023

    Today I was searching for which of my login items used a specific email address. Hundreds of unrelated items appeared due to the @ splitting. I don't think email addresses should be word-split.

    Edit: splitting is OK, but the entire email address needs also be searchable as entity, taking higher priority on a match.

  • ag_tommy
    edited July 2023


    I've got your thoughts/comments in the issue. Thanks for sharing.

    ref: dev/core/core#17472

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