Can I stay with version 7?

Community Member
edited May 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

From what I've seen of 1Password 8, I don't like it. I much prefer the way 7 looks and am perfectly happy with its functionality. Am I eventually going to be forced into using 8, even if I don't want to? If I do upgrade to 8 (which I don't want to do) will I be able to have all my data stored locally also, or is it ONLY stored on your cloud?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Dave_1P

    Hello @BasilFawlty! 👋

    You can continue to use 1Password 7 for now if you wish but, with the launch of 1Password 8 for Mac, 1Password 7 for Mac is no longer supported and will only receive important security updates. We strongly encourage you to update to 1Password 8 going forward.

    If I do upgrade to 8 (which I don't want to do) will I be able to have all my data stored locally also, or is it ONLY stored on your cloud?

    The 1Password 8 app stores your data locally on your device so that you have access to it even if offline or if you can't connect to Your data is also encrypted and backed up to your account.

    From what I've seen of 1Password 8, I don't like it.

    Have you tried the new app for yourself? Upgrading to 1Password 8 isn't a one-way door and you can always return to using 1Password 7 if you wish. If you have tried 1Password 8 then can you tell me what specifically you didn't like about it? We're always interested in learning how we can improve 1Password for everyone. 🙂


  • tombr
    Community Member

    Please don't stop releasing security updates for 1Password 7, given that v8 is still no on the Mac App Store. I signed up for updates here, but there has been no communication since.

  • Ben


    Thanks for taking the time to express your concern. 1Password 7 is retired and will likely stop working entirely in the future. It isn't being updated for compatibility with future computers or operating systems. Moving to 1Password 8, available from our website, would be the path forward.

    Regarding the Mac App Store: we continue to register interest from our customers, but downloads from our website are the current plan.

    We'd be happy to chat about any concerns you may have. Please drop us an email at so we can explore the options based on your situation.


  • tombr
    Community Member

    Wow, that's really big news to me, thanks for the update. You're saying that if we cannot/will not download direct then we are no longer supported, even for security? And there is no plan at the moment to support Mac App Store in the future. I did sign up on the updates page, but feel like this is important news, have you thought about sharing it to keep others in the loop?

  • Ben

    I'm saying that future updates to 1Password 7 will be few and far between if any at all. If there are any, they will be for the purpose of helping people upgrade to v8, or critical security fixes. As such, as you upgrade other elements of your setup it is likely that 1Password 7 will not be compatible with those upgrades.

    I am also saying there is currently nothing on the roadmap with regard to the Mac App Store. I'm not saying that isn't subject to change, but we're pretty far down the road from the decision to launch 1Password 8 for Mac as a direct download only, and it hasn't changed yet. I'm not sure what we'd say in an update. The news is that there is no news.

    I hope that helps clarify.


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