1Password Frequently Chooses the Wrong Field as My Username

Community Member
edited March 2013 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

This is a problem that's bugged me in the browser extensions for a while; I'm sure the old Safari extension never had the problem so I figured it was just teething but it never really went away.

Quite simply, the 1Password extensions (or possibly the daemon) are really bad at choosing which field should my username when saving a password that I've just entered on a website. In fact, it will frequently choose my e-mail address as my username, even if there is a field named "username"! I can understand it guessing wrong when a site uses weird field names, but it really needs to make a more intelligent guess, as the majority of sites that I've signed up require you to use your username to sign in, and won't accept your e-mail address as an alternative.

It's a minor niggle, but one of those annoying ones, as having to open the main 1Password app to fix every login I save is very disruptive :)


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    There was an issue like this that came up recently. Do you have an example URL? Can you test using the beta version of the extension to be sure it isn't already resolved?

    In general, we always recommend saving Login items on the page where you will be filling them since 1Password essentially "records" the field values and "plays them back" into the appropriately named fields when you go to use the Login item(s). Many sites use different or conflicting field names between their various pages (i.e. login page, registration page, password change page, etc.), so you'll get the most reliable results by always saving a Login item where you intend to fill it. Again, though, please let me know the answers to the questions above. I'm sure we can get this resolved. :)

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