Passkeys not working - ClientDataJSON empty

Community Member

Dear 1password Team.

We have currently released our insurance app myHelsana with Passkey-Support
Unfortunately it's not possible to use our Passkeys with 1Password

When we sign the challenge with the 1Password, the "clientDataJSON" is empty and therefore our backend is not possible to process the Passkey-Request.
On the other hand, when using Passkeys with the iOS password manager, there is some data in the "clientDataJSON".

Can you help us with that issue?
Is there anything we have to consider when using

I've tested it with iOS 17.1 and the latest myHelsana and latest 1Password App 8.10.18

1Password Version: 8.10.18
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iOS 17.1
Browser: Not Provided


  • Hello @sathoeni! 👋

    I'm sorry that you're running into trouble when saving passkeys on iOS using your app. While 1Password is ready to support passkey authentication in iOS native apps, we are aware of an issue on iOS 17 that impacts users from being able to save and use passkeys to sign in.

    We are working with our partners at Apple to find a resolution to this issue and early reports indicate that iOS 17.2 Beta 1 includes a fix for the issue. Are you able to test saving and using a passkey with 1Password and your app using the latest beta of iOS?

    I look forward to hearing from you.


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