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master password prompt for selected password or secure notes



  • androsh
    Community Member


    I've been a 1Password family user for years. The possibility to add a second layer of security for selected items, making it require a password prompt or a biometry or/and a 2FA is a long-awaited feature for me. Also, if easier, a separate vault with those unlock settings can be also nice, but less versatile.

    It can help:
    1. Protect yourself from accidental changes.
    2. Protect selected items during an unlocked period (decreasing that period isn't comfortable and needed for most data).
    3. Generely add the second layer for selected items.

    Hope, it'll get internal priority soon.

  • Thank you all, I've passed on your feedback as well!

  • soggyspider
    Community Member

    Happy New Year! 🎉🍾 I'd like to join the chorus of people requesting this feature. I've been suing 1Password for a few years now, but this is certainly a feature that is sorely missing.

    In my particular case, I'd like to keep my aging father's 1Password master password in case we need to access his login information at some point, but I'd really not like to expose his master password to likely breach if my own account gets compromised (likely because I've unlocked 1Password and laptop got stolen, for example).

  • ag_tommy
    edited January 3

    Thanks @soggyspider I've shared you thoughts with the team for consideration.

    ref: PB-37647096