Shortcut takes over



  • Mike123456
    Community Member

    No, I don't do anything like that. I'm fairly certain it's specific to your extension, I don't have this issue with other extensions. I frequently have weeks of uptime, so it's not like I'm resetting things frequently. I do restart to apply browser updates when available, but that does not seem to coincide with the extension resetting. I do not replace the shortcut with something else, but I should not need to. The shortcut is not a feature I use, and so if I leave it blank it should not get reset and should continue to respect my choice. Maybe instead of blaming the user and customer, which is how I take your questions, try fixing the extension. Or at least pick a shortcut that doesn't conflict with a very popular tool.

  • llamallama
    Community Member

    Adding a +1 to this, I was frustrated that I already changed the setting in the 1password app, AND had the extension using the app. However, I still had to change the extension-specific keyboard shortcuts to remove this. Please don't take over established content-editing shortcuts.

  • Hey @Mike123456,

    I can definitely understand your frustration and you're right, this is not how it is supposed to work I was just trying to gain a little more insight to see if we could figure out why this may be happening. If it resets again can you grab the following details and send them over to the team so we can further investigate:

    Please attach the reports to an email message addressed to with a link to this thread.

    I'm sorry for the disruption @llamallama, I have added your feedback to the internal issue.

    ref: dev/core/core#9365

  • philipm
    Community Member

    Reading through this thread, I see this as user-hostile behaviour, wrapped in very gentle words. It's entirely not OK to re-steal the shortcut after users have asserted control over it. I find it so irritating that I'm close to actively researching alternatives, even with all of the hassle of a switch.

  • dbrimley
    Community Member

    I've also stumbled on this, I use Google Docs extensively and found this annoying. The workaround does work, but none the less I think 1Password should change its shortcut.

  • philipm
    Community Member
    edited August 2023

    For the avoidance of doubt, the workaround posted/updated by Joy_1P on July 13th/14th 2023 is only temporarily effective (the chrome extension steals the shortcut back reasonably soon afterwards. If you cannot get this right, should we be trusting you to get the security stuff right?

  • @dbrimley

    I'm glad to hear that the workaround helps. I've passed along your feedback to the team so that it helps inform a more permanent solution for the future.


    I'm sorry to hear that the shortcut is changing back on your device. The team would like to investigate further. Can you please change the shortcut one more time and then, the next time that the shortcut changes back, can you please send us the following:

    Please attach the reports to an email message addressed to with a link to this thread. You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here. Thanks very much!


  • hatchjw
    Community Member
    edited November 2023

    @philipm @Dave_1P
    Immediately changes back for me too...I'm on a Brave (chrome) browser on mac.

  • @hatchjw

    I'm sorry that you're also seeing the shortcut switch back. Can you use the instructions in my previous post to send in both a console log and diagnostics report so that the team can investigate further?


  • honzaf
    Community Member
    edited November 2023

    I experience the same issue as @philipm. I remove the annoying shortcut ⇧⌘X (Chrome), and after some time, it comes back. Super annoying because I never use the 1Password shortcut to open the pop-up, but I do use Google Workspace all the time.

  • @honzaf

    I'm sorry that you're seeing the shortcut reset. Are you changing the keyboard shortcut to an alternative key combination or are you leaving it blank? If it's the latter then can you try entering an alternative key combination?

    If that still doesn't work then can you tell me which alternative key combination you set before the shortcut reset?


  • honzaf
    Community Member

    I was resetting it repeatedly, and it kept coming back. Yesterday, I set it to different combination - now I looked and it is back to the original combination again. So neither approach works.

  • Hello @honzaf, may I ask which key combination that the shortcut was set to? If you set it to (CMD⌘ + Shift⇧ + 1) does it still revert back?

  • honzaf
    Community Member

    I don't know because I already use that combination for other purpose, so I can't test it.

  • @honzaf, thanks for getting back to us.
    I understand that you can't try the shortcut I suggested. Could you tell me which specific shortcut you tried to add to activate the 1Password extension before the shortcut setting reverted back?

  • honzaf
    Community Member

    Interesting behavior - right now, I tried setting it to Cmd+Ctrl+Shift+M (just something I do not use). I am on a Mac. It shows in the box, formatted differently than other extension: it does not use the special symbols, but spells it out as Command + Ctrl + Shi... (trunacted).

    Then I close the window, reopen chrome://extensions, and the old shortcut is still there - it was not actually changed! Now it is not popping up (yay), but it will come back again soon.

  • @honzaf

    Try keeping the shortcut you set to three keys. Does that produce any better results?

  • honzaf
    Community Member

    I tried changing it to Cmd+Shift+M. It saved. We will see if it sticks (past experience says it won't).

  • doobop
    Community Member

    I just created a community account to support this. Please stop taking all the very common keyboard shortcuts used for other apps. Also the fix for this works if you change it in Chrome but could be much much easier

  • @honzaf, thanks for the update, let us know how you get on!

    I see what you are saying @doobop, it would be great to have zero keyboard shortcut conflicts but as you can understand it would be a tough ask to not have any conflicts with any other apps. This is why we give users the ability to change the keyboard shortcuts to work for them. If you have any further suggestions of feedback I'd be happy to pass this on to the team on your behalf!

  • doobop
    Community Member

    @steph.giles fair enough. I'm just saying to stay away from the most commonly used ones. Like "Cmd + X". I don't run into this with any of the other apps I use.

    Also thanks for the ability to change it in chrome settings, but it wasn't easy to follow those directions. I think they are out of date for the current version of chrome. Just, feedback that you might want to rewrite the approved answer on this post for chrome users to:
    1. Right click one pass extension on the menu bar
    2. Settings
    3. Appearance & shortcuts
    4. Change keyboard shortcuts on your "browser extension page"

    ... from there you're in chrome's settings which are pretty intuitive.

  • @doobop

    Thank you for the feedback and for the callout regarding the outdated wording. I've updated the approved post in this thread with the correct new instructions. 🙂


  • onepdave
    Community Member

    Adding my +1 to this frustrating issue (the Safari Extension not being flexible enough to disable or change the shortcut), as it conflicts with the standard Command-Shift-X shortcut to strike through.

    I don't care to use any shortcut for opening 1P. However, I do need to use Google Docs, and my browser of choice is Safari.