Very large Data file for 1Password helper


I was recently going through files on my computer in order to do some spring cleaning and clear some space on my relatively small flash drive. I came across a large file that is contained in the 1Password Helper.

The file's path is:

The file itself is 1.1GB. Is this supposed to be the case?


  • MikeT

    Hi @m_distefano,

    Yes. In that path, it stores the 30 recent backups of your 1Password data. We recommend leaving it alone.

    To see the backups:

    Open a Finder window and select Go to Folder from the Go menu. Type this in the input field and then press Return:

    ~/Library/Containers/com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper/Data/Library/Application Support/1Password/Backups

    I hope that helps.

  • m_distefano
    Community Member

    Yes. That was helpful, thank you. Is there any way to reduce the number of backups from 30 to something like 10?

  • MikeT

    At the moment, no. We're handling the backups automatically in the Mac App Store version right now, so it's not configurable at all. We might reconsider in the future based on the feedback we're getting on this.

    I apologize for the inconvenience. If you really need the space, you can try trashing the last 20 backups in that folder and do it once a week. Again, we recommend keeping as much as backups as you can.

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