Using Face ID when autofilling works, but creates haptic feedback and “shake animation”

Community Member
edited March 24 in iOS


So I recently decided to go from 1Password 7 to 8 (8.10.28) on my iPhone running iOS 17.4.1.

I bumped into an issue when autofilling: I have Face ID enabled to unlock 1Password, and when autofilling the Face ID prompt appear, but at the same time there seems to be a “failed authentication” feedback with visuals and haptics. This only happens when autofilling, NOT when unlocking the main app.

I read previous threads here about Face ID failing and then succeeding at the second try. I created a new thread since I’m not sure if it’s the same issue I’m having, since Face ID succeeds and I don’t have to press the Face ID icon or anything. But coming from version 7, it’s really annoying having that haptic and shake thing in the way!

Additional info:

I only use the regular autofilling, I don’t have the extension enabled.

Usually I have haptics enabled with successfull Face ID auth in the system settings but I disabled it temporarily, and indeed the haptics when autofilling with 1Password remained, while no haptics are present when unlocking the main app.

EDIT: It might be the same issue as in this thread:

1Password Version: 8.10.28
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iOS 17.4.1
Browser: Safari


  • Dave_1P

    Hello @iridium9! 👋

    Thanks for reporting the issue! You're correct that it sounds like you're running into the issue being discussed in the other thread that you linked to. I can reproduce that issue as well and our development team has an internal work item open to investigate this further. I've added your report there.

    I'm sorry for the annoyance that the haptics are causing, hopefully this can be improved in a future update soon.

    Let me know if you have any questions.


    ref: dev/core/core#17593