


  • Hi @1psidctm, I've let the team know that you've reached back out about this as well. We don't have any news to share about this at the moment, and I apologise for any frustration caused here.

    ref: dev/core/core#8161

  • Dany
    Community Member

    Hello Support
    And any solution ?

  • Hi @Dany, thanks for checking back in about this! We don't have any updates to share just yet.

    ref: dev/core/core#8161

  • 1psidctm
    Community Member

    Is there any update about this?

  • Dany
    Community Member

    I like to know too!
    This Problem is since November 2021 😫😫

  • Hello @1psidctm and @Dany,

    I'm sorry we don't have further details to share at the moment, but I've let the team know you've been looking for updates.

    In the meantime, I'd suggest keeping 1Password up-to-date and watch 1Password Releases for the latest news about updates and fixes.

    Thanks for your continued patience!

    ref: dev/core/core#8161

  • 1psidctm
    Community Member

    Still no news? With 11668 entries and correspondingly many tags, this is extremely annoying....

  • Dany
    Community Member

    I have 1437 Entry and also a big Problem with that :-( Please Push them Thanks

  • Hello @1psidctm and @Dany!

    Thanks for your continued vigilance on this matter. I understand that inability collapse tags when dealing with many entries can be frustrating.

    We appreciate your continued patience, but have no further news to share. We generally do not announce dates or estimates for upcoming fixes (or features). Keeping an eye on 1Password Releases for the latest fixes will be your best bet.

    Have a great day!

  • Dany
    Community Member

    Hello Team
    I will ask again for this issue. Remember we pay money for our Product and is still nothing change it!
    Please let me now when this will come back.
    What is actually the Problem to get this easy thing back? Everyday 1password made many updates in all diffrent things but this is now from Nov 2021 we wait for this.
    Can you not change it or you not wanna do it ? Or what is the Problem?

    That is a real importend stuff for using this software and it make very badly like this you have no visibility like this :-(

    Thank for you feedback and please not say only excuse!


  • Dave_1P
    edited April 9


    We don't tend to give updates on feature requests since we don't want to disappoint folks if a feature is delayed or cancelled. Features are implemented based on a variety of factors that include things like available development resources, open issues and bugs that also need attention, and our existing product roadmap.

    If this feature is added to a future version of 1Password then I'll make sure to update this thread. Thanks again for the continued feedback.


  • 1psidctm
    Community Member

    I can already see it coming...it will be like the other 5 burning issues, that after a certain time it will simply be closed without offering a solution....

  • Dany
    Community Member

    Hello all

    NO NO i still wait to geht this tool back its so badly to not have this anymore :-(

  • 1psidctm
    Community Member

    Is there still no news here? It can't be that such a gigantic development as the minimisation of tags (which used to exist!) takes 3 years....