Wells Fargo - Autofill problems after recent 1P update


Curious if anyone is having problems on wellsfargo.com?

My desktop has three different logins for wellsfargo - one for me, one for my wife, and one for my elderly parents, whose financials I help manage. Anyway, all three logins appear in the login box when I tap on the 1P icon, just as they always have, but I can no longer easily select the one I want. There is no, or sometimes a very slow, response when I try to select one of the three. Trying to autofill from the browser toolbar doesn't work.

Very strange - as wellsfargo.com is the only site I'm having this difficulty with.

1Password Version: Windows 8.10.30
Extension Version: 2.23.1
OS Version: Windows 11
Browser: Chrome Version 124.0.6367.92 (Official)
