How do I use the wallet?



I can enter my drivers license, passport, credit cards, etc. Then I buy 1P for my iPhone to have it on my phone.

So what do I use my wallet on my iPhone for?

Can I use it to buy coffee with a credit card on my way in the morning on my way to work?
Buy groceries with a credit card?
Do I no longer need to carry my credit cards around in my (physical/leather) wallet?
Fill in an online form with my credit card info? I don't buy things online with my iPhone. Maybe if I get an iPad.
Give my license info to a cop when I get a ticket?

Please help me understand the benefits of putting all this private info into DropBox for the NSA to read? :)



  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Hello again, Larry! :)

    Wallet items are a great way to back up the information from all the items you normally carry around with you. They won't typically replace the need to carry the originals. For example, you'll probably need to still carry your credit cards since most merchants will require your card to be present in order to swipe it. However it is great to be able to have the data if you need need to place a phone order. Of course, 1Password will fill your credit card details for you on iOS just like on Windows if you are making an online purchase. It is quite convenient.

    It can also come in handy if your cards are stolen. You can see at a glance which cards you had and look up the phone numbers that you recorded in the items in 1Password to report the cards stolen. Much quicker than trying to hunt down that information at the time of loss or theft when you are probably already stressed out enough and don't want to be hunting for information.

    As for interactions with the police…I haven't tested it yet, but I do have my motorcycle insurance information recorded in 1Password. If I forget to carry it with me when I head out the door one time, perhaps the officer can look it up after I pull it up in 1Password on my iPhone. Of course, it would be better to never have to test this at all. :)

    As for the safety of storing your 1Password data in Dropbox.

    From the moment we designed the Agile Keychain data format we ensured that it was able to withstand an attack should your data fall into the wrong hands, either as a result of a Dropbox breach or if someone physically stole your computer. As such, we use AES encryption with PBKDF2 key strengthening to protect your sensitive 1Password data as well as many other mechanisms to stop an attacker from ever accessing your information and we detail this here:

    Security of storing 1Password data in the cloud

    So, as long as you use a secure master password that you don't use elsewhere, your 1Password data is incredibly safe even when stored on a service like Dropbox. If you're not sure about the strength of your master password, please do take a look at our recent blog post on this:

    Toward Better Master Passwords

    I can't think of many better ways to show just how strongly 1Password protects your data than by pitting it against the pre-eminent password cracking tool John the Ripper. We did exactly that:

    1Password is Ready for John the Ripper

    You may also be interested to read:

    On the NSA, PRISM, and what it means for your 1Password data

    Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.

  • lwmcmahon
    Community Member

    Hi, I was hoping that the wallet would be used for more than a backup, but I will consider this use.
    And I appreciate you taking time to help me understand how to use the wallet.
    Thanks, Larry

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    It's my pleasure to help, Larry. Please keep the questions and feedback coming. :)

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