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Forum Discussion
2 years agoFrequent Contributor
v8.10.4 SSH Problem
since the update yesterday to 1Password for Windows 8.10.4 I have huge Issues with Mobaxterm and SSH Auth.
The new SSH Dialogue seems to get activated I hear a windows sound, but the windo...
2 years agoFrequent Contributor
I like Monologues :)
I got the cause and a solution for it.
It is as I already thought, the Auth Window is actually showing but it is somehow "off Screen" so I cant click. It is waiting there to confirm me the SSH Key usage but I cant confirm because I dont see it. In the meanwhile the foreground process windows of the actual app is in a kind of frozen state because waiting for agree or refuse. After the Dialogue times out the app responde again with the above error that agent failed to provide a signature.
The "solution" is a small Autohotkey script which on execution move all windows, visible or not, to the main screen of the system and make them active.
SingleInstance force
WinGet, list,list,,, Program Manager
Loop, %list%
this_id := list%A_Index%
WinGettitle,Title,ahk_id %this_id%
If Title {
WinMove,ahk_id %this_id%,,50,50
Sleep, 250
After that the Auth Window reappears on Main Screen and because I can confirm I can use the SSH key for the next 24h (depends on your setting)
It would be helpful if you could pass to the devs that they may add another routine to ensure the Auth Window is on the Main Display and actually active / visible. Sometimes Windows is a bit b*tchy with windows, epecially if they are triggered by other processes.