1Password stopped syncing

Community Member


I have been using 1password for a very long time on several Macs and Android phones and it's always worked fine. A little while ago I started having problems and looking through the settings on My Macs I see under Preferences->Sync: "Sync Primary vault with None" (which had been Dropbox). The Sync panel also says "Last synced: 6 weeks ago". All of the Macs say that. If I change the "Sync vault with" dropdown menu from "none" to "Dropbox" I get a dialog that says "Disabling Sync - 1Password will no longer sync with the folder."

1Password does seem to be working locally, i.e. on each device, but nothing done one one device is available on any other. In addition 1Password on Android is complaining that "The data folder 1Password is configured to sync with no longer exists. Tap details for resolving this error." I have not followed the instructions that that dialog link to yet because I am afraid of making things worse - losing access to my passwords would be a catastrophe.

I am using Dropbox on a couple of Macs with different versions of OS X (10.11 and 10.13) and on a new Pixel 3 with the latest stock Android. 1Password is 6.8.9 on all the Macs and 7.0.9 on Android. Except for automatic updates I haven't changed anything in 1Password versions or settings anywhere nor have I changed or deleted anything on Dropbox or any of the computer/devices.

1Password Version: on OS X, 6.8.9; Android 7.0.9
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.11 and 10.13; Android 9 patch 1/5/19
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @notMyUserName - my guess - and it is only a guess, based on just your description - is that you upgraded 1Password for Android to the most-recent version at some point in the recent past (like maybe six weeks ago?), and that prior to that, you were using one or more Agile Keychains as your sync keychain in Dropbox. If that's the case, 1Password for Android would've switched you to the newer (and now-required) OPVault format instead. When that occurred, your other devices (Macs) which were still using an older version of 1Password (6 or earlier) and still using the Agile Keychain would have no longer been able to sync because that older Agile Keychain would no longer exist.

    Can you open your Dropbox folder itself on your Mac, and let me know if you find any files labeled either OPVault or AgileKeychain on your Mac, please?

  • notMyUserName
    Community Member

    Thank you very much for the reply. Although I did not manually install any 1Password updates on my phone I do have automatic updates turned on. It is also a new phone and I do not know what it might have happened in the process of transferring from my previous Android phone (a Nexus, so both the new and old phone were Google phones with stock Android) to this one.

    Looking in Dropbox I see: 1Password.legacyagilekeychain but nothing named OPVault.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @notMyUserName - thanks for the clarification. the file-type .legacyagilekeychain does not exist unless one of your 1Password apps changed an older Agile Keychain into an OPVault. When they do this, they re-name the .agilekeychain file to .legacyagilekeychain. Are you absolutely certain there is no OPVault file anywhere in your Dropbox? Look in other folders as well, specifically /Apps/1Password/.

    Also, what does your Android phone's copy of 1Password now say regarding sync? Is it syncing at all?

  • notMyUserName
    Community Member

    I searched Dropbox and did not find OPVault.

    When I start 1Password on Android I get a message stating "Sync error The data folder 1Password is configured to sync with no longer exists. Tap Details for information on resolving this error."

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @notMyUserName - OK, thanks for the clarification. I think at this point, to get a better idea of exactly what's where on your various devices, I'd like to ask you to create some diagnostics reports, one from each of your devices.



    Please add the following code (including the square brackets) to the Subject line of your diagnostics emails before sending them:


    This will link your diagnostics to our current discussion. I'll take a look and let you know what I find out.

    For anyone else reading, please note: this ID is for @notMyUserName only. If you’re experiencing the same issue and need help, please ask us for your own ID.

    ref: MNY-56822-623

  • dan:
    Community Member

    I am having the same issue... no sync for 16 weeks. That is when opvault was created. I do not show I have an account in Preferences nor is there a sync method indicated. Can I continue to use 1Password on older mid 2009 macs running El Capitan 10.11.6 (15G22010)?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @dan: - I'm sorry for the trouble! Your sync method would be visible in 1Password for Mac's Preferences > Sync tab. Can you check there for me and see what it indicates?

  • dan:
    Community Member

    I am having the same issue... no sync for 16 weeks. That is when opvault was created. I do not show I have an account in Preferences nor is there a sync method indicated. Can I continue to use 1Password on older mid 2009 macs running El Capitan 10.11.6 (15G22010)?

  • dan:
    Community Member

    It shows "sync Primary vault with [NONE} additionally, my account does not appear under accounts. When I try to add it it shows my secrete key to be invalid. My account and key were last provided to me in March 2018?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2019

    @dan: - if you've got a Primary vault, that's not part of any 1password.com account. Primary always indicates a standalone vault. The reason it hasn't synced is because it's apparently not set to sync. You mention a 1password.com membership/account; are you sure you have one? A Secret Key will always begin with A3, followed by six characters (this is the identifier), a dash, and then several more groupings of other characters. So, it would look like this to start: A3-WWPM44. Is that what yours looks like (note - do not post your Secret Key in this public forum; I'm just asking if that looks like what you have).

  • dan:
    Community Member

    Lars, Perhaps I am confusing a secret code with a license key. I do not have anything starting with A3. I have an email (3/27/18 re: license information for me) from Agilebits indicating "Your 1Password 6 license entitles you to use 1Password 4 and 5 as well which use the same license file as 1Password 6" It includes single License keys for 1Password 3 for Mac, 1Password for Windows, and 1Password 6 for MAC. I have an open support reference number: #WYH-*****-***. Is it safe to share this number with you on the forum? I am not getting much support to resolve this problem and my passwords all messed up across: 2009 iMac, 2009 MacBook Pro, Galaxy Note 8, and 2016 iPad air.

    So I can't get even get anyone to confirm I am even a licensed user by providing my email... I have been a 1Password user since 2009 and things have never been this messed up.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2019

    @dan: - I see you've opened not one but two separate email conversations with our support team; let's try to keep this conversation confined to a single location rather than with multiple people spanning multiple points of contact. It will avoid potential confusion and speed up support times for everyone, including you, if we don't have to coordinate multiple conversations. I see my colleague Stefanie has been assisting you - let's keep the conversation going privately via email. Thanks! :)

  • notMyUserName
    Community Member

    @Lars - Sorry, I've been away for the past week and haven't been able to get to this. I'm back now and will provide the diagnostic information later this afternoon or evening.

    Thanks, and sorry for the delay.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

This discussion has been closed.