Error on login: Windows cannot find "...\1Password.Edge.Native.exe"

Upon logging into windows, a Windows error dialog pops up claiming that it cannot find the "1Password.Edge.Native.exe" file. Following the path in the error message, I see a "1Password.Universal.Native.exe" in the directory. I am not sure where the request to open the missing file comes from, but due to the file path and name, I'm pretty sure it is related to 1Password.

I'm currently in the evaluation period before signing up for the subscription service and have never before used a password manager, so I 1Password does not yet have much in it... But it would be nice to stop this error.

1Password Version: 7.3.657
Extension Version: 7.2.583 (Edge)
OS Version: Windows 10 x64
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hey, @Zarepheth! That's a file used only by the Microsoft Edge extension and it's likely launching because Edge launches at startup in suspended mode when it's set as your default browser. If that file is genuinely missing, I'd suggest uninstalling and reinstall the Edge extension from the Windows Store. It sounds like your initial install may not have worked properly. Let me know if that helps. :+1:

  • Zarepheth
    Community Member

    I've uninstalled the Edge extension, by using Edge's Extension manager.
    I'll probably re-install tomorrow or the next day - from the Windows Store; after I see what uninstalling does when combined with a power down and power up cycle.

  • Sounds good, @Zarepheth! One thing that's worth keeping in mind is that 1Password's Microsoft Edge extension is a bit unique – it's both an extension and two little helper apps, one of which that error is complaining about. If you find you're still seeing the error with the extension itself uninstalled, you might check if the helper apps are still showing in Apps & Features, then uninstall there as well if they are. You'll see two 1Password entries in Apps & Features if they stuck around. One will have "AgileBits, Inc." under it – that's those helper apps. The other is your desktop app.

    Of course, let me know what you find. We can absolutely do some more digging if we need to. :+1:

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