Migration Issue #2: Documents: Images (photos) don't preview

I read in another thread that images (JPEG, HEIC) don't preview on the Windows client if they are larger than 1 MB.

However, I just downloaded a JPEG from "Documents" and then re-imported it, and it does preview. What gives?

Migration Issue #1: 520 items are about to be deleted (actually titled "520 items are about to be deleted")
Migration Issue #2: Documents: Photos don't preview
Migration Issue #3: Documents: Imported photo wrong rotation

Usage Issue #1: See Migration Issues; some apply to usage.
Usage Issue #2: Documents: Can't drag and drop files into 1Password for Windows
Usage Issue #3: Documents: The "Documents" paradigm may be better for AgileBits programmers, but much worse paradigm for users

1Password Version: 7.3.657
Extension Version: Chrome (Windows)
OS Version: Windows 7 Pro
Sync Type: 1Password.com


  • SoKal
    Community Member

    Something to add. I have two Windows computers. On Computer A, I imported a new photo that was over 1 MB (1,748 KB), and on Computer A it does preview but on Computer B it does not.

    On Computer B, I imported a new photo that was over 1 MB (2,220 KB), and on Computer B it does preview but on Computer A it does not.

    Why this inconsistency?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @SoKal: It sounds like you have the image on computer B because you imported it there, so it is available locally. In order to view it on computer A, you'd need to download it first. Documents are not automatically downloaded to all devices. Does that help?

  • SoKal
    Community Member

    @brenty, I was also thinking that it was about on which computer a photo was imported, so in one way, yes, I guess that helped. On the other hand, I think that is bad behavior. I'll just add this to my running list of issues with 1Password.com and 1Password 7. I guess you can close this thread. There's nothing more that can be done in this thread. Thanks very much for getting back to me.

  • We do have plans to introduce an option to download all files at once down the road, @SoKal. The limitation is not actually that Documents over 1MB can't be previewed – they can, but they need to be available locally in order to do so. We don't automatically download larger files. Rationale being that we don't want to be chewing up data on metered connections downloading all of your Document items on every device. Metered connections aren't universal, of course, but they're all too common, at least here in the U.S. – most of my American teammates have data caps to contend with and I'm pretty sure this isn't something uniquely American either. Of course, if you're uploading the document from that PC, it's available already, so why not preview it? It does introduce a degree of inconsistency, but I'd view this as better than not previewing them at all.

    Ultimately, our goal is to have that on-demand option to download everything so that you can make everything available to be previewed, but won't automatically download future Documents as well potentially leading to data munching. That way, you can choose when that data is used up and can manage any data caps you may be subject to appropriately. I'm lucky to not have to worry – I'm still clinging to my legacy internet package from the early days without a data cap (and probably paying too much for it) – so I'm looking forward to this as much as anyone. I make heavy use of Documents and forgetting to download one on a given device does turn me into a grump for sure so this will be a welcome change to my mind, too. :chuffed:

  • SoKal
    Community Member

    Hello again, @bundtkate. You helped me on another thread (https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/102028/migration-issue-2-documents-images-photos-dont-preview). In that thread, you brought up a lot of good points about the way others (e.g., you) use Documents, and about misconceptions I had about Documents. Thanks. Now, back to this thread. :)

    You brought up a good point about people having data caps, although I think video streaming is by far the heaviest consumer of data. Photos or scans, by comparison, are two or three orders of magnitude smaller. However, I appreciate your caring for customers and their data caps, which might make even downloading photos/scans something they would want to avoid.

    You mentioned that your "goal is to have that on-demand option to download everything so that you can make everything available to be previewed, but won't automatically download future Documents as well potentially leading to data munching."

    I would prefer something different. I would prefer having the ability to download any photo or scanned image as soon as you open (view) a record. That way, you wouldn't be downloading everything all at once, which would be something that might cause a huge amount of someone's data plan to be consumed. Instead, you would be downloading only one file at a time. That's probably something a data plan could handle. I don't know. I'm starting to appreciate how tough it is for 1Password to be friendly to everyone's use cases and limitations.

    Perhaps it could be an option to "download on open (view)". Or perhaps a "Data cap miser mode" versus a "Data cap extravaganza" mode :) that affects multiple areas of functionality.

    I'll express one more opinion. This "click to view" prompt seems really archaic to me. This is all over the place on the iOS version 1Password, even when returning back to a record that I already viewed. Evernote doesn't work this way. Evernote seems to always be able to present images. I find it much more natural that way. My 2 cents.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited March 2019

    I can certainly see your perspective, but I have video and audio and large images/PDFs in 1Password too, so I definitely don't want those downloading automatically -- especially when I am paying by the gigabyte. :)

    You had an interesting suggestion about automatically downloading upon viewing an item. I think on the surface that makes sense, but because of the way most of the 1Password apps work currently, people would end up downloading a bunch of files just by navigating through their item list. It's certainly something we'll continue to evaluate as we build future versions of 1Password though.

    I think you hit the nail on the head here:

    That's probably something a data plan could handle. I don't know. I'm starting to appreciate how tough it is for 1Password to be friendly to everyone's use cases and limitations.

    Totally. It really depends on the person/situation.

    Previously, it would have been almost free for me to download Documents "on demand" (feels sort of like streaming to me) domestically, but if I did the same thing while traveling -- well, one time it cost me about 100$US for about 50MB, which I used in a matter of seconds after the plane landed and my email and messages came through. If 1Password worked the way you're suggesting, and I opened it on my laptop, just arrowing down through my item list would have used much more data.

    But at the same time, someone on fiber who is home most of the time wouldn't blink if 1Password downloaded a full compliment of 1GB of Documents when they opened it.

    We can't accommodate each individual preference or use case, so our focus is on striking the best balance we can for 1Password users the world over. Cheers! :)

  • SoKal
    Community Member

    Great feedback, @brenty.

    Another crazy idea to consider. On iOS, Evernote (sorry to bring up Evernote again :)) allows me to select which folders I want to have "offline" (locally on my iPhone). New folders default to not download, which is of course the safest.

    I understand what you say about traveling abroad. I've only been once, but even that once, I was quite worried about the horror stories about astronomical data rate charges. I appreciate 1Password doing its part to not add to people's burdens when traveling abroad. The trick is, how to keep both users happy. I suspect that 98% of 1Password users don't travel abroad, but those 2% who do would be quite upset with any app that cost them hundreds of dollars because of their unbounded use of data. :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited March 2019

    Great feedback, @brenty.

    @SoKal: Hey, likewise! This is a good discussion. :)

    Another crazy idea to consider. On iOS, Evernote (sorry to bring up Evernote again :)) allows me to select which folders I want to have "offline" (locally on my iPhone). New folders default to not download, which is of course the safest.

    Interesting. I'm honestly not sure if I'm an outlier on this one, as Documents haven't been around long enough for me to get a good sense for how many most people have; but my Documents list would be pretty unmanageable with that kind of UI (and I'm not even using the full gigabyte!) I think the concept has merit though. Thank you for bringing this up!

    I understand what you say about traveling abroad. I've only been once, but even that once, I was quite worried about the horror stories about astronomical data rate charges.

    I call it "learning the hard way". :lol:

    I appreciate 1Password doing its part to not add to people's burdens when traveling abroad. The trick is, how to keep both users happy. I suspect that 98% of 1Password users don't travel abroad, but those 2% who do would be quite upset with any app that cost them hundreds of dollars because of their unbounded use of data. :)

    Totally. And I will say that with millions of users, even a fraction of a percent having an issue like that...well, we know very quickly. ;)I'm not sure what the solution is, but we'll see what we can come up with. Cheers! :chuffed:

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Oh, I just remembered that I wanted to mention was that the only reason we didn't have this particular problem with older local vault data formats was that there was a hard limit of 5MB per file attachment, for a number of reasons, but certainly data was a big factor too. Of course, one of the biggest requests was to lift that size limit...but that brings us to a different tradeoff. I don't think we've found exactly the right balance yet, so we'll keep at it. :)

This discussion has been closed.