Sync Local Vault to Web
Hi .. I am using 1Password as a way to store the many passwords I use in my daily life as a consultant.
And I am using 1Password in conjunction with Devolutions Remote Desktop Manager product.
One of the problems I face is that even though most 'clients' allow access to the internet through their VPN, some do not; or they restrict the service with a proxy of some sort.
This plays havoc with the web based 1Password, and in turn makes it hard for me to get to what I need.
So, for those cases I switched to using a 'local' vault instead, and found it more reliable when this connection problem is the case.
The problem I have now is keeping a copy of multiple local vaults (as I don't want to mix customers), and backing all that up.
Is there a way I can have a local vault (.opvault) that I can use with RDM, but when it does have an open connection to the internet; it sync's up to the cloud version of 1Password. Possibly to a web based copy of the same vault ?
1Password Version: 7.3.684
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided
@IvanM: No. It's not possible to "sync" a local vault with a 1Password account. These are completely separate.
Instead, I'd suggest using your 1Password account in the app on a portable device of your own -- like a laptop, phone, or tablet -- as you'll have a cache of your data on it for you to use, and then the app can sync when you do have a network connection again. :)
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To add to Brenty's comment, what you describe is effectively how 1Password account vaults should work anyway, @IvanM. You have your local database which is accessed whenever you're offline. Changes are saved there while you're offline and, once you've got an internet connection, they sync up to the server (and your other devices).
Could you maybe share more about the exact steps you take to create that local vault that seem to work well for you? I feel like if we figure out why this is working, we may be able to find a way to get it working without keeping the OPVault at the very least. I'm having some trouble narrowing down where the trouble is using only based on the info you've provided thus far, but I feel like some more detail about the steps taken might bring the issue to light and help us think up a better way to work around it. :+1:
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Hi .. The problem here is one that unfortunately falls into the SEP (Somebody Else's Problem) bucket.
Your app does work offline, but the problem is the people who's app uses your app as a storage location does not.
RDM for instance, has 2 modes (actually 3, but I couldn't fathom what the third accomplishes); either local opvault or web platform.Problem when I use 'web platform' is that RDM is trying to talk to your web servers to get the credential info.
And since your web address is internet based, that's where we fall into the 'where does your internet route to/via hole'.Local vault is basically the only 'stable' way of using it.
Now you're probably going to say something to the effect of, why don't you just copy-paste from our app into whatever you're doing in RDM.
Problem is, that kinda counters exactly why I like the integration of 1Password & RDM.
As I have multiple remote desktop sessions, SSH sessions etc.
And it's real nice that I can point all of them to what RDM calls a 'Credential Entry', and I point that to a 1Password entry.Devolutions don't really see much in fixing it, as they have their own password manager product now; so why spend time on it.
And I get that, I'm not a screaming villager with my pitchfork.So .. I was just hoping I could find a way to have a local 'offline' opvault file that would attempt to sync when it could.
Problem we have here is that you guys cater far more for the Personal side, and us users on the Business side that don't want to pay for some crazy Enterprise credential app are basically stuck in the middle.
I am guessing (based on both your answers) that I will have to setup some kind of sync internally to a NAS, so at least I keep a copy of the opvault file somewhere.
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@IvanM: Right. Like any web app, the web interface isn't going to be functional without an internet connection. As mentioned above though, you can use the native 1Password apps on your own devices, and those cache the encrypted data within them so it can be accessed offline. There's nothing unstable about that, as, like Kate said, that's part of their design from the beginning. :)
As a final note, 1Password has nothing too do with "RDM". There's no "integration" with that whatsoever. If it's something that you'd like us to explore in the future, I'd suggest shooting us an email at with the details. Contrary to your assertion that we "cater far more for the Personal side", 1Password Business caters exclusively to companies. But as far as I know this is the first time "RDM integration" has been suggested. So it would be best for you to discuss it with your business rep since the only way something like that would get prioritized is if there's significant demand for it among businesses using 1Password.