One Time Passwords not working / out of sync

Hi there,
I have been implementing OTP on as many sites as possible, mostly relying on 1Password to retain the OTP info, but in a few cases adding the info to Google Authenticator as well. Recently, over the last 30 days, I've had constant issues using 1Password's stored OTP credentials. OTP window comes up, I paste in the stored OTP codes and websites are returning that the code is incorrect. I've experienced this issue with: (Mint, TurboTax)
ConnectWise Manage, Control
Office 365 applications like Teams
and more...

For the few services where I input 2FA info both into 1Password AND Google Authenticator, the Google codes are working. But they are all different from the 1Password codes, and the 1Password codes are not working. The codes I am seeing in 1Password for Windows 7.3.712 and Android (7.3.1) are also different. And I just observed that the Android codes match Google Authenticator and are correct. So it's only the Windows app that is showing the wrong codes.

What's going on?

1Password Version: 7.3.712
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: 1Password Cloud


  • Hi @ritaly,

    Thanks for reporting this.

    99% of the times this is because the computer's time is not accurate. One Time Passwords rely on accurate time to produce correct digits.

    Can you check your Windows PC's date and time settings and make sure it is accurate? You can have it sync to fix the time issue.

    You can also open in your web browser to see if it is accurate.

  • ritaly
    Community Member

    Hi Mike, reports my clock 1 minute behind. The computer is set to sync automatically. Would a 1 minute difference impact this?

  • Yes, the digits change every 30 seconds, so even a few seconds can invalidate it on some sites.

    You need to force a sync to correct it; it may be set to sync on a regular schedule but not frequently enough for your use case.

  • johnnyappleseed
    Community Member

    Thank goodness for this forum. Just had this exact problem with my Windows machine. The time was off by 3 minutes!

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    I am glad to hear that the forum helped you resolve this @johnnyappleseed :) Let us know if there is anything else we can do to help.

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