Reused Passwords Doubled


I have recently began using 1password, and over the last few days have gone through all of my keychain history from my iPhone and used that as a starting point to change passwords on these sites. This worked well for me, and I have successfully changed all passwords to be unique. However, the "Reused Passwords" section on 1password has, for lack of a better word, "doubled up" on many sites. For example, for my SETI login, it has an entry for "Seti@Home" as well as a separate entry for "" (which is where SETI is hosted). This is essentially the same entry, and both have the same password that 1PW generated for me. This password is not used anywhere else of course, but is showing up on the "Reused Passwords" nonetheless. This has happened for many many logins. Did I do something wrong in setting these up? Is there an easy way to clean this up?

My hypothesis is that it happened from how I logged on and changed these.
1) I logged on to the site with my old password and when 1PW prompted, I saved the entry.
2) I then changed/updated the password to a generated one, and then when 1PW prompted, I would update the entry.
It doesn't seem like 1PW melded those two together to me.

1Password Version: 7.3.712
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Yulka1355
    Community Member

    Hey @bcjustin,

    If you have two logins for the same site but with a different web address you can just edit one of them, let's call it login A, and add the other's (B ) web address to the second website field (A). Then you can erase Login B and login A should work on both websites.
    I have added a screenshot of what it looks like:

  • These are probably Password items you're seeing @bcjustin. When you generate a new password with the 1Password extension, it also saves a Password item with the generated password juuuuust in case it doesn't get saved properly. This is the only thing most folks us Password items for, but because they can be independently created, Watchtower still scans them. If, when you look in the Reused Passwords section, you see one item with a keyhole or website-specific item paired with another that key icon, that's probably a Login item and a Password item. The latter will also be given a website name (the site you generated on) whereas the former will have an actual title. In these cases, you can delete the key icon Password items – they're there as a backup if you need them and an update Login item using the same password means you don't. :+1:

  • bcjustin
    Community Member

    Thanks everyone! Yes, all of the "re-used passwords" all have a Key icon on them, so I think I can safely delete these. Thanks for the help!

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    @bcjustin: Great news! We are glad to hear that you are all set now. :)

    Feel free to contact us anytime, we are always ready to help.


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