I have Password 4 with 300+ logins love it. Bought new laptop. Logins gone.

Loved 1Password4 and resisted the extortionist move to get money from me for something I didn't need. It was finally so impossible to put on my new laptop that I caved and signed up for the $36 per year package. Just spent 2 hours watching the "how to" retrieve logins, trying what it said and cussing. Is there a way to get 1Password 4 on the new laptop and working as I have loved or get this spawn to find my logins et al?

1Password Version: newest
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: newest windows
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:I have Password 4 with 300+ logins love it. Bought new laptop. Logins gone.


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Baal! Welcome to the forum!

    Just spent 2 hours watching the "how to" retrieve logins, trying what it said and cussing.

    We will be happy to help you with this. Can you please let us know exactly where you are getting stuck in the instructions you have been following? If you could also let us know what instructions you have been following exactly, that will be useful in understanding where you are getting stuck. Thank you!

  • Baal
    Community Member

    First, it seems the new 1Password is totally "on line" as there is nothing downloaded to my laptop desktop.

    It says to go to a computer that 1Password is currently working on and if you 1Password4 download the new one click on your name and "Get the Apps" and sign in and then everything is transferred and daisies fly out of your nether orifice. The last part is frustration not truth..

    Actually nothing at all happens on that computer or any other.

  • Baal
    Community Member

    if you have 1Password 4, download...

  • MikeT
    edited February 2020

    Hi @Baal,

    A few questions if you could answer them:

    1. Do you know where your existing standalone vaults from 1Password 4 are? Are they stored only on your original computer and not using Dropbox?
    2. Right now on your original PC with 1Password 4 hosting your data, do you have 1Password 7 for Windows installed? If yes, did you already sign in to your 1Password account?

    I apologize about the frustrations but the instruction is assuming you've already opened your old 1Password 4 vault in 1Password 7 first and if yes, once you sign in, 1Password will bring up a dialog to migrate your data. However, if you did not migrate your data yet, then the instruction is not the right one.

    1Password 7 on Windows does not automatically migrate your existing standalone vaults to your 1Password account by default, it has to be added manually. What this means is you can download 1Password 7 here, install it, and then click Sync using folder like this:

    Select the .opvault or .agilekeychain folder on your original PC and then you sign in to your 1Password account with this instruction, it'll then ask you if you want to transfer your data.

    If you're not sure where the vault is, open 1Password 4, go to the File menu > Reopen 1Password Vault and you should see the list of your last used vaults.

  • Baal
    Community Member

    When I go to the folder with the Backups on it 1Password will not open it.

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @Baal,

    1Password 7 for Windows will not be able to open your old backup files. Do you have access your local vault files, not backup files? They are supposed to be .opvault or .agilekeychain folders. Please let us know.

    Also, please tell us if you ever set up sync via Dropbox in 1Password 4 on your old computer. This info will be really helpful. Thank you! :+1:


  • Baal
    Community Member

    OK, today I am back at my main computer at work. It only has Password4.
    I also have a front computer at work, a new laptop (Password7 only) and desktop at home and an iPhone and iPad and I have used Password4 on all (old laptop) for a very long time.
    I am sending a photo of where it says my local info is stored.
    I have used sync with Dropbox for years.

  • MikeT
    edited February 2020

    Hi @Baal,

    I have used sync with Dropbox for years.

    Your screenshot shows that it is in your Documents folder, not Dropbox. Do you see any 1Password.agilekeychain or 1Password.opvault folders inside your Dropbox folder? It could be in Dropbox > 1Password directory.

    If you open 1Password 4, and go to the File Menu > Reopen 1Password Vault, the very first vault on the list should tell you exactly where your folder is.

    Also, that screenshot doesn't look right, you shouldn't have 1Password 2.agilekeychain within 1Password.agilekeychain folder but it may not be the folder you're using.

  • Baal
    Community Member

  • Hi @Baal,

    That would mean that your current vault in 1Password 4 is not syncing at all with your iOS apps, it is not in Dropbox.

    Just to be 100%, where is the most recent complete vault do you see, on your computer with 1Password 4 or on your iOS devices?

  • Baal
    Community Member

    Both show "Logins (416)

    Although is seems I have managed to move my iPhone to Password 7.4.5

  • Baal
    Community Member

    It could be my new laptop that never had Password4 on it is a problem.

  • Hi @Baal,

    Can you email us your 1Password diagnostics report from your iPhone, we'll look at that and figure out which vault is the right one. Please use this guide to generate the report and email it to us at support+windows@agilebits.com. Also, in the email, include the link to this thread along with your forum username, so that we can connect the email to this thread.

    Let us know here when you've sent it, so we can confirm we got the email.

  • Baal
    Community Member

    I have not downloaded Password 7 on this windows computer I don't know if that helps but...

  • Baal
    Community Member

    Diagnostics sent.

  • bundtkate
    edited February 2020

    I'm not seeing any e-mails from the address associated with your forum account, @Baal. Did you happen to get a reply from BitBot? If so, it would have included a support ID formatted like [#ABC-12345-678]. If you're able to find that, could you share it here? That will help me track down your e-mail so I can take a look. Thanks! :chuffed:

    ref: LLI-21811-239
    ref: JFR-79453-216

  • Baal
    Community Member
    edited February 2020

    it would have come from [email removed by 1Password staff – this is a public forum].

  • Baal
    Community Member
    edited February 2020

    and [email removed by 1Password staff – this is a public forum]

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Baal,

    Please do not post any personal info (including email) here, as this is a public forum and everyone can see it. We have received your diagnostics reports and will get back to you via email soon. Thank you! :+1:


This discussion has been closed.