Security Key and Authenticator offline and online question.

Security Key like Yubico, Yubikey that cannot backup.
We supposed use Google Authenticator and that can be export create to new device.
Google Security have many 2FA/Security methods way to access and then authenticator export create to new phone devices after lost phone.

Is good to use Google Authenticator app when Yubikey Authenticator app is not use it is safe?

1Password Version: Version 7.6.778
Extension Version: None
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Desktop locator/Server


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @davidguitard73! Welcome to the forum!

    Is good to use Google Authenticator app when Yubikey Authenticator app is not use it is safe?

    I am afraid I didn't understand the question. Can you please clarify?

  • davidguitard73
    Community Member

    I am tested website for my recovery via email to see if I get recovery access.
    There is no way.

    Do you know Yubikey and security key have a Authenticator app for offline One-Time Password?
    In my 1password profile, added 5 Yubikey Security Key.

    There is way can I add my 5 Yubikey Authenticates in 1password account profile?

    Do I clear explain to you?

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    Do you know Yubikey and security key have a Authenticator app for offline One-Time Password?

    I am not sure, but I am sure Yubikey support would be able to help you with this.

    There is way can I add my 5 Yubikey Authenticates in 1password account profile?

    Yes, you can add more than one security key to your 1Password account :+1:

    View and manage your security keys

  • davidguitard73
    Community Member

    Yubikey came with Security Key (USB) and Authenticator (Mobile App).
    1Password Profile allowed one Authenticator added.

    Is that correct?

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    That is correct :)

  • plttn
    Community Member

    If I'm understanding this correctly, are you referring to the ability of the Yubikey to store TOTP credentials to be accessed via the Yubico Authenticator app?

    If you wanted all five Yubikeys to have the 1Password TOTP credential (in addition to functioning as unique security keys), you would have to add the TOTP to all five Yubikeys using the app at the same time, and they would all share the same secret (thus the same TOTP codes), so a loss of any one of those Yubikey would result in needing to both remove the lost Yubikey from U2F, as well as selecting replace on the authenticator app section, deleting the old TOTP credential from your remaining keys that you have in your possession, then readding the remaining keys using the newly generated TOTP credentials.

  • Thanks for the advice, @plttn! Personally, I have a set of devices where I'd need 3 different hardware keys just to have one that works with each so I've dragged my feet a bit on familiarizing myself with everything they offer. Definitely appreciate the tips. :chuffed:

  • lucasskluser
    Community Member

    @davidguitard73 Authy has synchronization and backup of keys for 2FA.

  • davidguitard73
    Community Member

    Hey Lucasskluser you're right.
    1password scanned 1password authy QR code when I edit it I can see otpauth://totp/ [Private Code] .

    No worry I did copy and pasted to 5 Yubikey Authy.
    Same TOTP otpauth address stored five yubikey security keys.

    Thank You.

  • Glad the community was able to help out, @davidguitard73 :chuffed:

This discussion has been closed.